Objective is to deploy a vote application written in Python (relying on a Redis DB) and vote-ui application written in JS (and serve by NGinx) onto Exoscale cloud provider using:
You will need an Exoscale account that you can obtain via https://portal.exoscale.com/register/ Once created you will need IAM keys that you can found on https://portal.exoscale.com/u/<YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME>/iam/keys
You also need a Github Personal Access Token to be able to Push/Pull to ghcr.io You can create one from https://github.com/settings/tokens
Once you have Exoscale IAM keys and Github Personal Access Token you can create environment variables that we will use against Terraform to create our infrastructure.
bw login
# Exoscale IAM key to deploy our infra
SECRETS=$(bw get item VotingAppDeployment)
export TF_VAR_exoscale_api_key=$(echo $SECRETS | jq -r '.fields[] | select(.name == "EXO_IAM_KEY").value')
export TF_VAR_exoscale_secret_key=$(echo $SECRETS | jq -r '.fields[] | select(.name == "EXO_IAM_SECRET").value')
# Token to access ghcr.io registry
export TF_VAR_ghcrio_token=$(bw get password GHCRIO)
Creating the infrastructure
(cd terraform && \
terraform init && \
terraform apply)
Once our infrastructure is in place and our .env
file has been populated by Terraform with IPs of our differents instances, we can deploy our application using Kamal
source .env # to load generated SSH key
(cd vote && kamal setup)
(cd vote && kamal deploy)
(cd vote-ui && kamal deploy)
(cd worker && kamal deploy)
Once our applications have been deployed, we can do some validations
Validate that vote application work:
source .env
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Host: vote" -d '{"vote": "foo"}' http://$WEB_NLB
Should return something like
Then we can validate that UI is working as expected:
curl http://$WEB_NLB
Which should return some HTML content about Cats/Dogs
kamal audit
will report status of our application and accessories
kamal app logs
will show logs our application
kamal app exec <COMMAND>
will allow to execute a command inside the application container
kamal rollback <VERSION>
to rollback application to a given version
kamal prune all
to remove unused images/containers
kamal server exec --roles=vote <COMMAND>
kamal secrets