- Tests are at site/src/test
- AbstractCrispTest class is the base testing class
- See com.bloomreach.ResourceBrokerExampleTest
See com.bloomreach.MarketoCrispTest for a minimal setup
Copy paste from /hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/crispregistry/hippo:moduleconfig/crisp:resourceresolvercontainer/<your_resource_resolver_name>/@crisp:beandefinition to an xml file at src/main/test/resources/crisp-resource-resolvers/<your_bean_definition_in_console>.xml
If you have more than one resource resolver xml definitions, give each of them a unique id so you can fetch it with @Qualifier annotation. Otherwise Spring does not know which bean to autowire since there are multiple of same type.
Then you can fetch your resource resolver beans like:
SimpleJacksonRestTemplateResourceResolver marketoResourceResolver;
- It is also possible to autowire the Spring application context like:
ApplicationContext applicationContext;