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Releases: bcdev/nc2zarr


06 Jan 16:01
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  • If input/multi_file is specified, concat_dim is now optional: If concat_dim is given, the multi-file combination method is "nested", otherwise "by_coords", which was the former default. (See xarray.open_mfdatset().)

  • Fixed ignored output/append_dim setting. (#54)

  • Fixed broken unit level test test_multi_file_with_defaults (#52)

  • Update some unit tests for compatibility with current xarray and Zarr versions.


10 Sep 08:22
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  • Handle consolidated Zarrs correctly when appending data (fixes #47).

  • Add configurations for SST_MED_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_004

  • Update LWQ300 configuration

  • Improve validation script


25 Jun 08:27
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  • Fix incorrect version number.


23 Jun 10:02
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  • Fix an occasionally failing test and update an example configuration.


22 Jun 11:54
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  • Introduce the new parameter output.append_mode to select behaviour
    when appending new data which overlaps in the append dimension with the
    existing data.

  • Adjusted the built-in pre-processing to handle more cases:
    Bounds dimensions of concatenation coordinates are extended by their
    dimension and transformed to variables if necessary.

  • Whether to adjust output metadata (global attributes) after the last
    write/append can now be forced by the new output.adjust_metadata
    setting whose default is false. If set to true, this will adjust
    the following metadata attributes:

    • "history"
    • "source"
    • "time_coverage_start"
    • "time_coverage_end"

    In addition, extra metadata (global attributes) can now be added
    after the last write/append using the new setting
    output.metadata whose value is a mapping from attribute
    names to values.

    The above functionality is also reflected in two new CLI options
    --adjust-metadata and --finalize-only. In combination, they
    can be used to later adjust metadata in already existing Zarr
    datasets. (#20, #34)

  • Fixed a problem that avoided appending datasets that contained variables
    with dtype = "|S1" (ESA SST CCI). Such variables are written initially,
    but then no longer appended at all given that they do not contain the
    dimension along we append. Otherwise nc2zarr will still fail. (#38)

  • Fixed a severe problem where data was "encoded" twice before
    being appended to existing data. The bug became apparent
    with input.decode_cf = false (the default) and for variables
    that defined a scale_factor and/or add_offset encoding
    attribute. (#35)

  • Added a CLI tool nc2zarr-batch.

  • Add and update some sample configurations and scripts.


21 May 15:21
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  • Fix an incompatibility with version 8 of the click library which
    was causing command-line parsing errors.


21 May 13:34
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  • Ensure attributes are maintained when missing dimensions are added to
    concatenation dimension variable. (#32)

  • Added some basic batch utilities that help spawning multiple concurrent
    nc2zarr jobs, see new module nc2zarr.batch. (#19)

  • Local input and output paths may now include tilde '~' which will expand
    to the current user's home, and '~username' for the home directory
    of a specified user. (#26)

  • Fixed a problem when input/sort_by was "name" and one of input/paths
    ended with "/". In these cases sorting did not work. (#29)

  • Fixed problem where appending unnecessarily required a coordinate
    variable (#27)

  • Input path that were no wildcards have been ignored if the input path did
    not exist. Now an error is raised in such cases. (#25)

  • Fixed exception TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
    raised with some process/rechunk configurations. (#23)

  • You can now provide your Python code for customization
    of the datasets read and written. (#16)

    • input/custom_preprocessor: "module:function" is called on
      each input after optional variable selection.
    • process/custom_processor: "module:function" is called after
      optional renaming and before optional rechunking.
    • output/custom_postprocessor: "module:function" is called before
      the final dataset is written. (#21)

    All three functions are expected to receive an xarray.Dataset object
    as only argument and return the same or modified xarray.Dataset object.
    Note: to let Python import "module" that is not a user package,
    you can extend the PYTHONPATH environment variable before
    calling nc2zarr:

    export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:path/to/my/modules
    nc2zarr ...
  • Add more example configurations and scripts.


26 Feb 11:18
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  • Fixed some issues with Zarr (re-)chunking given by process parameter

    • Fix: New chunking can now overlap multiple chunks in input
      (Dask chunks). (#12)

    • Introduced new chunk size value "input" which forces using chunk sizes
      from input. (#12)

    • Fixed problems that occurred when using the process/rechunk

      • if a dimension was not configured at all;
      • if the dataset contained 0-dimension variables, which is
        typical for variables used to describe the spatial reference system,
        e.g. crs.

      In these cases the error message from Zarr was
      AssertionError: We should never get here.". (#14)

  • Introduced new input parameter prefetch_chunks. (#10)

  • Add an AppVeyor CI configuration file.

  • Add the --sort-by command-line option.

  • Add example configuration files for the following datasets:

  • Add demo Jupyter notebooks which open and plot converted data from object


08 Jan 12:06
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Initial version.