What's Changed
- DBC22-2779: fixed route search not working in desktop in event list page by @ray-oxd in #656
- DBC22-2769: fixed zoom not being restored by @ray-oxd in #657
- DBC22-2729: Worked on accessibility for tooltips by @minORC in #658
- DBC22-2775: Add idp hint by @wmuldergov in #659
- DBC22-2680: Fix for cropped unavailable camera placeholder image by @minORC in #661
- DBC22-2729: Update accessible content for tooltips by @minORC in #660
- DBC22-2785 Fixing BCeID registration URL by @fatbird in #664
- DBC22-2631: Set left sidepanel position to sticky by @minORC in #665
- DBC22-1605: loading rework in map with web worker by @ray-oxd in #666
- DBC22-2778: updated color when friendly time hovered by @bcgov-brwang in #663
- DBC22-1489: Update trivy image scan by @wmuldergov in #662
- DBC22-2441 Display message for stale share links by @fatbird in #669
- DBC22-1976: Colour variables update and cleaning up loose hex codes by @minORC in #670
- DBC22-2532: fixed advisory number consistency issue when side panel is open by @bcgov-brwang in #667
- DBC22-2794: added web worker and polling component to event list page by @ray-oxd in #668
- DBC22-2880: Fix for faulty colour variable association by @minORC in #671
- DBC22-1605: further optimizations by @ray-oxd in #672
- DBC22-2130 Add reading level to wagtail editor blocks by @fatbird in #673
- DBC22-2738 Fixing camera removal by @fatbird in #674
- DBC22-2882: more unit test coverage and cleanups by @ray-oxd in #675
- DBC22-2768: Changed hover state colour of filter layers button by @minORC in #677
- DBC22-2841 Make advisories panel scroll by @fatbird in #678
- DBC22-2882: unit test for ferry feed by @ray-oxd in #679
- DBC22-2916: Fixed faulty colour variable association by @minORC in #681
- DBC22-2731: mark advisories as read logic to list pages for desktop by @ray-oxd in #680
- DBC22-2777: Changed image fit to show pre-processed timestamp by @minORC in #682
- DBC22-2922: Add automated smoke testing to dev/test by @wmuldergov in #683
- DBC22-2929: Update task pod cron and resources by @wmuldergov in #685
- DBC22-2850: Visual enhancements to Cameras page and Delays page by @minORC in #686
- DBC22-2702: Updated location map marker by @minORC in #684
- DBC22-2776 Event panel replaced by route panel by @fatbird in #687
- DBC22-2851: Visual enhancements to Advisories and Bulletins pages by @minORC in #688
- DBC22-2929-2: Update NGINX conf for API by @wmuldergov in #690
- DBC22-2897,2898,2899 High Elevation Forecasts by @fatbird in #691
- DBC22-2979:Update trivyscans.yml by @wmuldergov in #693
- DBC22-2905: centered the map only for the first loading when advisories are available by @bcgov-brwang in #676
- DBC22-2810: added pin markup for location to when a route was selected by @bcgov-brwang in #692
- DBC22-2831: fixed vh calculation in mobile Safari by @ray-oxd in #694
- DBC22-2602: Style updates to Camera list cards and sidepanel by @minORC in #699
- DBC22-2851: Visual enhancements to Advisories and Bulletins list pages by @minORC in #701
- DBC22-2926: added combine checks to ensure that mapLayers.current contains at least one property by @bcgov-brwang in #698
- DBC22-2932, 2948, 2987, 3007, 3006, 3005: Updates to Env Canada Alerts by @wmuldergov in #704
- DBC22-2981: fixed the issue that hef layer not showing up by @bcgov-brwang in #700
- DBC22-2901: alternate routes implementation with shortest criteria by @ray-oxd in #705
- DBC22-2851: Style update to Bulletins by @minORC in #707
- DBC22-2810: adjusted size of the location pin mark as requested by @bcgov-brwang in #706
- DBC22-2830: updated report map styling to allow map scrollable by @bcgov-brwang in #703
- DBC22-2933: re-filter ordered highways to avoid undefined value by @bcgov-brwang in #702
- DBC22-2842: appended camIndex in the url when sharing camera's URL by @bcgov-brwang in #697
- DBC22-2832: used index to make sure unique key for highway when rendering by @bcgov-brwang in #708
- DBC22-2621: Update workflow to include RELEASE by @wmuldergov in #711
- DBC22-2902: Styling alternate routes elements by @minORC in #709
- Bugfix/dbc22 2283 by @fatbird in #713
- DBC22-2621 by @fatbird in #716
- DBC22-2721 Filter user input through strip_tags by @fatbird in #715
- DBC22-2846: Automatic delay list updates by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #714
- DBC22-3023: navbar additions and styling updates by @ray-oxd in #717
- DBC22-3022: Fix HEF styling bug by @wmuldergov in #719
- DBC22-2602: Visual enhancements to camera cards by @minORC in #718
- DBC22-2810: removed overlays except location from/to pin marks by @bcgov-brwang in #721
- DBC22-3017: set z-index of the close button on the top by @bcgov-brwang in #712
- DBC22-3025: check if mapRef is not undefined before using it by @bcgov-brwang in #722
- DBC22-2846: Fix for Advisories list layout. by @minORC in #723
- DBC22-2968: Styling automatic delay list updates by @minORC in #724
- DBC22-2969: Pill display for updated items out of viewport by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #725
- DBC22-3042: Styling fix for buttons and pills breaking in multiple lines by @minORC in #726
- Bugfix/dbc22-3062 by @jbyun-oxd in #728
- DBC22-3077:Remove Ended Env Canada warnings by @wmuldergov in #734
- DBC22-2978: Added a timed fade out to filter buttons focus state by @minORC in #733
- DBC22-3050 by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #727
- DBC22-3026: Fixed event type aria-describedby and ReactTimeAgo date on Delay list by @minORC in #731
- DBC22-3047: show single route if the fastest route is the same as the shortest route by @bcgov-brwang in #730
- DBC22-2330: reworked ferry model from api endpoint by @ray-oxd in #736
- DBC22-3048: added route notification for filter layers by @bcgov-brwang in #729
- DBC22-3055: push distance labels away when points are too close by @bcgov-brwang in #735
- DBC22-2870: deleted rest stop records that not available from the rest stop API by @bcgov-brwang in #737
- DBC22-2756: cam location handler now sets icon to active again in mobile by @ray-oxd in #738
- DBC22-3054: Made main menu scrollable in landscape mode by @minORC in #739
- DBC22-2937: Maintain context for Delays list by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #740
- DBC22-3044: Styling changes to save route icon by @minORC in #744
- DBC22-2935, DBC22-2936 Chain up layer by @fatbird in #746
- DBC22-2812: sort by last_published_at for advisories and bulletins by @bcgov-brwang in #748
- DBC22-3024: Fixed margin to avoid overlap with scrollbar on route switch button. by @minORC in #747
- Bugfix/dbc22 3127 by @jbyun-oxd in #749
- DBC22-3115: updated alternate route api payload by @ray-oxd in #750
- DBC22-3123: Fix for filters menu positioning by @minORC in #751
- DBC22-3116: Fix issue with filtered delays being highlighted by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #745
- DBC22-3058: ferries processed separately from events in route details by @ray-oxd in #743
- DBC22-2521: updated messaging when start/end is out of province by @bcgov-brwang in #741
- DBC22-3124: added modified date next to the ferry title by @ray-oxd in #753
- DBC22-2768: Updates to layer filters' hover state by @minORC in #754
- DBC22-3132: listed chainups as invisible by default by @bcgov-brwang in #756
- DBC22-2886 by @fatbird in #757
- DBC22-2998: Dynamic updates for map icons by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #752
- DBC22-3081: replace timezone with DIT API data by @ray-oxd in #761
- DBC22-3135 Save button for routes doesn't work by @fatbird in #760
- DBC22-3143: Dynamic updates for map chainups by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #759
- DBC22-3101: move the hourly forecast group list into the loop for avoiding wrong data by @bcgov-brwang in #762
- DBC22-3142: Fix for Filter menu title on Delays page by @minORC in #763
- Bugfix/dbc22 3159 by @jbyun-oxd in #764
New Contributors
- @dylanrogowsky-oxd made their first contribution in #714
Full Changelog: rc1...rc5