What's Changed
- DBC22-3134: enabled chainUps filter layer when using shared URLs by @bcgov-brwang in #765
- DBC22-2622: Updated center camera button on Camera Details page by @minORC in #768
- DBC22-2986: added camera image event handler to cycle through directions by @bcgov-brwang in #766
- DBC22-3165: Style update for layer filters by @minORC in #771
- DBC22-2999: Dynamic updates for camera list by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #758
- DBC22-2644: Added back button to Advisories and Bulletins detail pages by @minORC in #769
- DBC22-3168: set event with weather condition type as road condition display category by @bcgov-brwang in #772
- DBC22-2642: Added location permission denied message by @minORC in #773
- DBC22-1891: Added a clear button to camera name search by @minORC in #767
- DBC22-2913: regional weathers refactoring and SonarCloud fixes by @ray-oxd in #774
- DBC22-3170: Remove limits from helm charts by @wmuldergov in #776
- DBC22-3131 Fix backend test, add chain up test by @fatbird in #777
- DBC22-3181: prevent polling in the background by @ray-oxd in #775
- DBC22-3003: use slugs for advisory urls by @ray-oxd in #778
- DBC22-3163: Update chainup layer filter tooltip by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #779
- DBC22-3161: replaced pytz with ZoneInfo by @ray-oxd in #782
- DBC22-2971: Add chain ups to Delay list by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #781
- DBC22-3049: Updated icon for future closure event delays by @minORC in #780
- DBC-3196: Add oc installer in github actions by @wmuldergov in #786
- DBC22-2999: Show camera update pill by default by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #785
- DBC22-2997: Dynamic updates for Camera Details by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #788
- DBC22-2997: Camera Details - Remove vandalism from description by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #789
- DBC22-3218: event polling now uses endpoint with no locations data by @ray-oxd in #790
- DBC22-2869: email verification endpoints by @ray-oxd in #791
- DBC22-2926: exit the loop when the event was found by @bcgov-brwang in #794
- DBC22-2879: Created route email notifications toggle and form by @minORC in #793
- DBC22-2827: Populate From with My Location by @dylanrogowsky-oxd in #787
- DBC22-2798: email notification function added to tasks with tests by @ray-oxd in #792
- DBC22-3194: parse and render the HTML before displaying by @bcgov-brwang in #795
- DBC22-2869: FE integration in saved route and account pages by @ray-oxd in #796
- DBC22-2879: toggle and form handler integration by @ray-oxd in #797
- DBC22-3249: Workaround for Entrust Cert Issue by @wmuldergov in #798
- DBC22-3244: HTML emails for route notifications and verification email by @minORC in #800
- DBC22-2470: Improve Disaster Recovery Process by @wmuldergov in #801
- DBC22-3158: used timezone data coming from DIT by @bcgov-brwang in #783
- DBC22-3187: Add FuzzyMatch Parameter for geocoder by @wmuldergov in #805
- DBC22-3224: added schedule and start to event diff fields to make sure these fields can be updated by @bcgov-brwang in #799
- DBC22-3264: Added styling for different event types in html email by @minORC in #802
- DBC22-3273: Polishing and fixes for email notifications by @ray-oxd in #806
- DBC22-3167 Fix de-highlighting event icon by @fatbird in #807
- DBC22-3278: highlight active camera by clicking camera location when camera details loaded by @bcgov-brwang in #804
- DBC22-3293: added missing event handler for camera details page by @bcgov-brwang in #808
- DBC22-3204: updated tooltips for commercial vehicles rest stops by @bcgov-brwang in #809
- DBC22-3279: changed zoom level to 9 when camera location button clicked by @bcgov-brwang in #810
- DBC22-3274: Fixed advisories list styling on mobile by @minORC in #813
- DBC22-3275: Fixed email verification copy by @minORC in #814
- DBC22-3292: Fixed verification email copy by @minORC in #815
- DBC22-3204: minor changes on the tooltip of commercial rest stop layer's filter by @bcgov-brwang in #816
- DBC22-3280: set reference feature to clicked when loading camera details page by @bcgov-brwang in #812
- DBC22-3299: Fixed verification email subject line copy by @minORC in #817
- DBC22-3018: used prase id to check if closed by @bcgov-brwang in #803
- DBC22-2806: added event notification date and time settings by @ray-oxd in #818
- DBC22-3317: Added padding for focus ring on camera cards by @minORC in #820
- DBC22-2535 IDIR login for admin/cms by @fatbird in #784
- DBC22-3320: fixed build_data_diff failing on all linestrings by @ray-oxd in #821
- DBC22-3302: fixed the issue that camera does not show up when it's not a default camera by @bcgov-brwang in #819
- DBC22-3328: fixed the issue that control button not showing by @bcgov-brwang in #823
- DBC22-3172: Fixed focus highlight on location inputs by @minORC in #824
- Moving use of env variables by @fatbird in #825
- DBC22-3141 Allowing subpages for advisories/bulletins by @fatbird in #826
- DBC22-2802: Added time and targets for route notifications settings. by @minORC in #811
- DBC22-3300: Added footer to email by @minORC in #822
- DBC22-3340: avoided tooltip button click event to be triggered by @bcgov-brwang in #829
- DBC22-3315: set camera when it's not been set yet by @bcgov-brwang in #831
- DBC22-3320: removed sub type from EVENT_UPDATE_FIELDS by @ray-oxd in #833
- DBC22-2838: used environment variable for closure phrase ids by @bcgov-brwang in #828
- DBC22-3314: save route when selected route is the current route by @bcgov-brwang in #832
- DBC22-3365: tz note for time settings by @ray-oxd in #834
- Feature/DBC22-2859: Improve usability of drop-down filters by @minORC in #835
- DBC22-3119: deactivate account by @ray-oxd in #839
- DBC22-3349: Avoided to show camera icon when page refreshed by @bcgov-brwang in #838
- DBC22-3384: Style update to route disclosure pills by @minORC in #840
- DBC22-3366: all day option by @ray-oxd in #836
- qa on advisory teaser by @jbyun-oxd in #837
- DBC22-3329: added margin top for range slider wrap to avoid credit text being obscured by @bcgov-brwang in #827
- Feature/DBC22-3342: Added report a problem link to header by @minORC in #842
- DBC22-3119/DBC22-3365: follow-up fixes by @ray-oxd in #844
- DBC22-3409: added order to queryset by @ray-oxd in #847
- DBC22-3414: fixed toISOString not taking timezone into account by @ray-oxd in #848
- DBC22-1784: Fix for Filters overlay overlap with nav header by @minORC in #849
- DBC22-3406: workaround styling for firefox css bug by @ray-oxd in #846
- DBC22-3410: Applied style changes to dropdown filters on Delays page by @minORC in #841
- DBC22-3435: Fix for Layer filter button's active state on Camera Details page by @minORC in #851
- DBC22-3441: Updated camera image update notice by @minORC in #852
- DBC22-2876: added loading states for CMS list page by @bcgov-brwang in #843
- DBC22-3412: Fixed position for route notifications modal's buttons by @minORC in #850
- DBC22-2921: Updated crunchy helm charts by @wmuldergov in #853
Full Changelog: rc7...rc8