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SIMSBIOHUB-262: Create Survey Blocks table (#1081)
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* Creates new tables: survey_block, survey_stratrum, site_strategy, survey_site_strategy
* Amends the survey deletion procedure to delete blocks as well as stratum records upon survey deletion
  • Loading branch information
curtisupshall authored Aug 31, 2023
1 parent ec42e38 commit 68a6d84
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Showing 3 changed files with 331 additions and 7 deletions.
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions app/src/features/projects/view/ProjectDetails.tsx
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Expand Up @@ -92,13 +92,6 @@ const ProjectDetails = () => {
<ProjectCoordinator />

<Box component="section">
<Typography component="h4" className={classes.projectMetaSectionHeader}>

{/* TODO: ( Commenting out IUCN form (view) temporarily, while its decided if IUCN information is desired */}
{/* <Box component="section" mb={0}>
<Typography component="h4" className={classes.projectMetaSectionHeader}>
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import { Knex } from 'knex';

* Adds a new table for creating blocks, which are associated to surveys;
* @export
* @param {Knex} knex
* @return {*} {Promise<void>}
export async function up(knex: Knex): Promise<void> {
await knex.raw(`--sql
-- Create new survey_block table
SET search_path=biohub;
CREATE TABLE survey_block(
survey_id integer NOT NULL,
name varchar(300),
description varchar(3000),
create_date timestamptz(6) DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
create_user integer NOT NULL,
update_date timestamptz(6),
update_user integer,
revision_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT survey_block_pk PRIMARY KEY (survey_block_id)
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.survey_block_id IS 'System generated surrogate primary key identifier.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.survey_id IS 'System generated surrogate primary key identifier.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The name of the block.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.description IS 'The description of the block.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.create_date IS 'The datetime the record was created.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.create_user IS 'The id of the user who created the record as identified in the system user table.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.update_date IS 'The datetime the record was updated.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.update_user IS 'The id of the user who updated the record as identified in the system user table.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_block.revision_count IS 'Revision count used for concurrency control.'
COMMENT ON TABLE survey_block IS 'blocks associated with a given survey.'
-- Create new keys and indices
-- Add foreign key constraint from child table to parent table on survey_id
ALTER TABLE survey_block ADD CONSTRAINT survey_block_fk1
FOREIGN KEY (survey_id)
REFERENCES survey(survey_id);
-- Add foreign key index
CREATE INDEX survey_block_idx1 ON survey_block(survey_id);
-- Add unique constraint
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX survey_block_uk1 ON survey_block(name, survey_id);
-- Create audit and journal triggers
create trigger audit_survey_block before insert or update or delete on survey_block for each row execute procedure tr_audit_trigger();
create trigger journal_survey_block after insert or update or delete on survey_block for each row execute procedure tr_journal_trigger();
-- Create views
set search_path=biohub_dapi_v1;
create or replace view survey_block as select * from biohub.survey_block;

export async function down(knex: Knex): Promise<void> {
await knex.raw(``);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
import { Knex } from 'knex';

* 1. Adds two new tables:
* - Codes table for site selection strategy
* - Xref table for survey site selection strategies
* 2. Updates the survey delete procedure to account for blocks, stratums and survey site selection strategies
* @export
* @param {Knex} knex
* @return {*} {Promise<void>}
export async function up(knex: Knex): Promise<void> {
await knex.raw(`--sql
-- Create new site_strategy table
SET search_path=biohub;
CREATE TABLE site_strategy(
name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
description varchar(250),
record_effective_date date NOT NULL,
record_end_date date,
create_date timestamptz(6) DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
create_user integer NOT NULL,
update_date timestamptz(6),
update_user integer,
revision_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT site_strategy_pk PRIMARY KEY (site_strategy_id)
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.site_strategy_id IS 'System generated surrogate primary key identifier.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The name of the site selection strategy.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.record_effective_date IS 'Record level effective date.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.description IS 'The description of the site selection strategy.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.record_end_date IS 'Record level end date.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.create_date IS 'The datetime the record was created.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.create_user IS 'The id of the user who created the record as identified in the system user table.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.update_date IS 'The datetime the record was updated.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.update_user IS 'The id of the user who updated the record as identified in the system user table.'
COMMENT ON COLUMN site_strategy.revision_count IS 'Revision count used for concurrency control.'
COMMENT ON TABLE site_strategy IS 'Broad classification for the site_strategy code of the survey.'
-- Create new keys and indices
-- Add unique constraint
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX site_strategy_nuk1 ON site_strategy(name, (record_end_date is NULL)) where record_end_date is null;
-- Create audit and journal triggers
create trigger audit_site_strategy before insert or update or delete on site_strategy for each row execute procedure tr_audit_trigger();
create trigger journal_site_strategy after insert or update or delete on site_strategy for each row execute procedure tr_journal_trigger();
-- Insert seed values
insert into site_strategy (name, record_effective_date) values ('Random', now());
insert into site_strategy (name, record_effective_date) values ('Stratified', now());
insert into site_strategy (name, record_effective_date) values ('Systematic', now());
-- Create new survey_site_strategy table
CREATE TABLE survey_site_strategy(
survey_site_strategy_id integer GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1),
survey_id integer NOT NULL,
site_strategy_id integer NOT NULL,
create_date timestamptz(6) DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
create_user integer NOT NULL,
update_date timestamptz(6),
update_user integer,
revision_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT survey_site_strategy_pk PRIMARY KEY (survey_site_strategy_id)
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.survey_site_strategy_id IS 'System generated surrogate primary key identifier.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.survey_id IS 'A foreign key pointing to the survey table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.site_strategy_id IS 'A foreign key pointing to the type table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.create_date IS 'The datetime the record was created.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.create_user IS 'The id of the user who created the record as identified in the system user table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.update_date IS 'The datetime the record was updated.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.update_user IS 'The id of the user who updated the record as identified in the system user table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN survey_site_strategy.revision_count IS 'Revision count used for concurrency control.';
COMMENT ON TABLE survey_site_strategy IS 'Site selection strategy classification for the survey.';
-- Add survey_site_strategy constraints and indexes
-- add foreign key constraints
ALTER TABLE survey_site_strategy ADD CONSTRAINT survey_site_strategy_fk1
FOREIGN KEY (survey_id)
REFERENCES survey(survey_id);
ALTER TABLE survey_site_strategy ADD CONSTRAINT survey_site_strategy_fk2
FOREIGN KEY (site_strategy_id)
REFERENCES site_strategy(site_strategy_id);
-- add indexes for foreign keys
CREATE INDEX survey_site_strategy_idx1 ON survey_site_strategy(survey_id);
CREATE INDEX survey_site_strategy_idx2 ON survey_site_strategy(site_strategy_id);
-- add unique index
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX survey_site_strategy_uk1 ON survey_site_strategy(survey_id, site_strategy_id);
-- Create audit and journal triggers for survey_site_strategy table
CREATE TRIGGER audit_survey_site_strategy BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON survey_site_strategy for each ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tr_audit_trigger();
CREATE TRIGGER journal_survey_site_strategy AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON survey_site_strategy for each ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tr_journal_trigger();
-- Create new views for both new tables
set search_path=biohub_dapi_v1;
create or replace view site_strategy as select * from biohub.site_strategy;
create or replace view survey_site_strategy as select * from biohub.survey_site_strategy;
-- Update api_delete_survey procedure
set search_path=biohub;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE api_delete_survey(p_survey_id integer)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $procedure$
-- *******************************************************************
-- Procedure: api_delete_survey
-- Purpose: deletes a survey and dependencies
-- Person Date Comments
-- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------------------
-- 2021-06-18 initial release
-- 2021-06-21 added occurrence submission delete
-- 2021-09-21 added survey summary submission delete
-- 2022-08-28 added survey_vantage, survey_spatial_component, survey delete
-- 2022-09-07 changes to permit model
-- 2022-10-05 1.3.0 model changes
-- 2022-10-05 1.5.0 model changes, drop concept of occurrence deletion for published data
-- 2023-03-14 1.7.0 model changes
-- 2023-03-15 added missing publish tables to survey delete
-- 2023-04-28 change order of survey delete procedure
-- 2023-07-26 delete regions
-- 2023-08-24 delete partnerships
-- 2023-08-24 delete survey blocks and stratums and participation
-- *******************************************************************
with occurrence_submissions as (select occurrence_submission_id from occurrence_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id), submission_spatial_components as (select submission_spatial_component_id from submission_spatial_component
where occurrence_submission_id in (select occurrence_submission_id from occurrence_submissions))
delete from spatial_transform_submission where submission_spatial_component_id in (select submission_spatial_component_id from submission_spatial_components);
delete from submission_spatial_component where occurrence_submission_id in (select occurrence_submission_id from occurrence_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id);
with occurrence_submissions as (select occurrence_submission_id from occurrence_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id)
, submission_statuses as (select submission_status_id from submission_status
where occurrence_submission_id in (select occurrence_submission_id from occurrence_submissions))
delete from submission_message where submission_status_id in (select submission_status_id from submission_statuses);
delete from submission_status where occurrence_submission_id in (select occurrence_submission_id from occurrence_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id);
delete from occurrence_submission_publish where occurrence_submission_id in (select occurrence_submission_id from occurrence_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id);
delete from occurrence_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_summary_submission_publish where survey_summary_submission_id in (select survey_summary_submission_id from survey_summary_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id);
delete from survey_summary_submission_message where survey_summary_submission_id in (select survey_summary_submission_id from survey_summary_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id);
delete from survey_summary_submission where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_proprietor where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_attachment_publish where survey_attachment_id in (select survey_attachment_id from survey_attachment where survey_id = p_survey_id);
delete from survey_attachment where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_report_author where survey_report_attachment_id in (select survey_report_attachment_id from survey_report_attachment where survey_id = p_survey_id);
delete from survey_report_publish where survey_report_attachment_id in (select survey_report_attachment_id from survey_report_attachment where survey_id = p_survey_id);
delete from survey_report_attachment where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from study_species where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_funding_source where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_vantage where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_spatial_component where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_metadata_publish where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_region where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_first_nation_partnership where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_block where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from permit where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_type where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_first_nation_partnership where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_stakeholder_partnership where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_participation where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_stratum where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_block where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey_site_strategy where survey_id = p_survey_id;
delete from survey where survey_id = p_survey_id;
when others THEN

export async function down(knex: Knex): Promise<void> {
await knex.raw(``);

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