This is the API Server (backend) for the SLAM application
Nestjs/crud is used to generate the API Endpoints. It provides much more functionality than just vanilla endpoints - such as filtering, sorting, etc. Check out their documentation
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Create a .env file at the root of the project directory.
Copy the list of variables from the .env-template into your .env file.
Variable | Required | Development Value |
POSTGRES_USER | Y | postgres |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | Y | snowball |
POSTGRES_DB | Y | slam_db |
POSTGRES_HOST | Y | postgres |
Run the following command into local terminal:
docker-compose up --build postgres slam-api pg-admin
The following output in terminal should show that all components of the SLAM! Application are healthy docker containers.
Commits and Pull Requests to the Main branch trigger the CICD pipeline. The Pipeline will build the image, run tests, and deploy to prod. If the commit contains the #release in the commit message, it will deploy to the test environment. After User Acceptance Testing is approved, it will deploy to production. Deployment to both test and prod trigger a notification in our Teams workspace.