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arlowatts edited this page Jun 19, 2023 · 13 revisions

MedicationDispense Resource

This resource endpoint follows HL7 FHIR version 4.0.1 specifications. A request to this API indicates that a medication product is to be or has been dispensed for a named person/patient. This includes a description of the medication product (supply) provided and the instructions for administering the medication. The medication dispense is the result of a pharmacy system responding to a medication order.

For PharmaNet, recording a dispense request is overloaded with the associated claim request. As a result, the interactions for recording a dispense are through the Claim Resource. MedicationDispense resource is used only for dispensing samples.

The payload of a MedicationDispense request contains an HL7 FHIR compliant DocumentReference, which contains the base64-encoded HL7-v2 message, as listed in the table below. A successful response will contain the corresponding HL7-v2 message, also wrapped in an HL7 FHIR DocumentReference.

Supported HL7-v2 Interactions

"contentType": "x-application/hl7-v2+er7"
PharmaNet Interaction Version Hl7-v2 Request Required System Scope
Medication Update PNet-R70.5 TMU_01_REQUEST system/MedicationDispense.write
Medication Update Reversal PNet-R70.5 TMU_11_REQUEST system/MedicationDispense.write
Patient Medication Profile Update (Add Dispense Comments and Dispense Cancellation) PNet-R70.5 TPI_00_REQUEST system/MedicationDispense.write

Example Request Message