Authentication and Authorization Services February, 2021 Release
What' new
🚀 Features
- #1354: multiple status handled
- #1352: Implementing suspend account server call from org service
- #1343: [entity5702] Locate Bank Account Information Dialog
- #1347: Added suspend/activate accounts
- #1341: 6121-Staff manually suspend account
- #1334: Changes to reflect backend changes on pay to restructure GL code structure
- #1339: #4909-Provide administrators the ability to remove other admins.
- #1338: Adding attribute to elements in UI #6275
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #1348: Payment when you have a credit #5662
- #1345: Fix lint errors.
- #1342: Amount displayed in OB pending amount email
🔨 Maintenance
Thanks to
@jeznorth, @karthik-aot, @mengdong19, @saravanpa-aot, @shabeeb-aot and @sumesh-aot