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@joethorley joethorley tagged this 12 Dec 12:47

- `ssd_hc.fitdists()` and `ssd_hp.fitdists()` now have `multi = TRUE`
argument to get estimates based on `ssd_qmulti()` and `ssd_pmulti()` when
`average = TRUE`.
- Added `ssd_pmulti()`, `ssd_qmulti()` and `ssd_rmulti()` 
for weights and parameter estimates for combined distributions.
- Implemented bootstrapping for `ssd_hc.fitdists()` and `ssd_hp.fitdists()` based on combined distributions.
- Add `fix_weights = TRUE` argument to `ssd_hc()` and `ssd_hp()` to specify whether to fix the model weights when performing `multi` bootstrapping.
- Added `save_to` argument to specify a directory in which to save the bootstrap datasets as csv files and estimates as rds files. The files are named `data_000000001_xx.csv`, `estimates_000000001_xx.rds` etc where `xx` is the distribution. The parent data set and estimates are named `boot_000000000_xx.csv` and `estimates_000000000_xx.csv`.
- Added `ssd_hp.fitburrlioz()` function.
- Added `ssd_exx()` functions to get 
default parameter estimates for distributions.
- Added David Fox and Rebecca Fisher as co-authors.


- `estimates.fitdists()` now returns all distributions by default and includes weights as parameters.
- `ssd_fit_bcanz()`, `ssd_wqg_bc()` and `ssd_wqg_burrlioz()` no longer rescale data.
- seeds now allocated to bootstrap samples. 


 - `ssd_hc()` and `ssd_hp()` now include `parametric` column.
 - `ssd_hp()` now includes `wt` column

- `is_censored()`, `ssd_plot_cf()` and `comma_signif(...)` now warn deprecated unconditionally.
- `plot.fitdists()` now defunct.
- Removed defunct `ssd_cfplot()`
- Removed `ccme_data` and `ccme_boron` data set.
Assets 2