## Additions
- Added David Fox and Rebecca Fisher as co-authors.
- Added to `ssd_hc()` and `ssd_hp()`
- `multi_est = TRUE` argument to calculate model averaged estimates
treating the distributions as constituting a single mixture distribution.
- `multi_ci = TRUE` argument to calculate model averaged confidence intervals
treating the distributions as constituting a single mixture distribution.
- `weighted = TRUE` argument to specify whether to use the original model weights versus
re-estimating for each bootstrap sample unless `multi_ci = FALSE` in which case it
specifies whether to take bootstrap samples from each distribution proportional to
its weight versus calculating the weighted arithmetic means of the lower
and upper confidence limits for each distribution.
- `samples` argument to include bootstrap samples as list of numeric vector(s).
- `save_to` argument to specify a directory in which to save the bootstrap datasets as csv files and parameter estimates as rds files. The files are named `data_000000001_xx.csv` and `estimates_000000001_xx.rds` etc where `xx` is the distribution. The parent data set and estimates are named `boot_000000000_xx.csv` and `estimates_000000000_xx.csv`.
- Added `ssd_pmulti()`, `ssd_qmulti()` and `ssd_rmulti()` for combined mixture distributions.
- Added `ssd_exx()` functions to get default parameter estimates for distributions.
- Added `ssd_hp.fitburrlioz()` function to get hazard proportion.
## Modifications
- `estimates.fitdists()` now includes weights in returned parameters as well as an
`all_estimates = FALSE` argument to allow parameter values for all implemented distributions to be included.
- `ssd_fit_bcanz()`, `ssd_wqg_bc()` and `ssd_wqg_burrlioz()` no longer rescale data by default.
- `rescale = TRUE` now divides by the geometric mean of the minimum and maximum positive finite values as opposed to dividing by the geometric mean of the maximum finite value.
- Replaced column percentage between 0 and 100 with proportion between 0 and 1 in output of `ssd_hc()`
- Changed `delta = 7` to `delta = 9.21` to exclude models with AIC weight < 0.01.
- seeds now allocated to bootstrap samples as opposed to distributions (this results in a speed gain when more cores than the number of distributions).
## Fixes
- `ssd_hc()` and `ssd_hp()` now include `parametric` column.
- `ssd_hp()` now includes `wt` column
## Deprecation
- Soft-deprecated argument `percent = 5` for `proportion = 0.05` for `ssd_hc()` and `predict()`.
- `is_censored()`, `ssd_plot_cf()` and `comma_signif(...)` now warn deprecated unconditionally.
- `plot.fitdists()` now defunct.
- Removed defunct `ssd_cfplot()`
- Removed `ccme_data` and `ccme_boron` data set.