## Additions
- Added to `ssd_hc()` and `ssd_hp()`
- `multi_est = TRUE` argument to calculate model averaged estimates
treating the distributions as constituting a single mixture distribution.
- `method_ci = "weighted_samples"` to specify whether to use `"weighted_samples"`, `"weighted_arithmetic"`, `"multi_free"` or `"multi_fixed"` methods to generate confidence intervals.
- `samples` argument to include bootstrap samples as list of numeric vector(s).
- `save_to` argument to specify a directory in which to save the bootstrap datasets as csv files and parameter estimates as rds files. The files are named `data_000000001_xx.csv` and `estimates_000000001_xx.rds` etc where `xx` is the distribution. The parent data set and estimates are named `boot_000000000_xx.csv` and `estimates_000000000_xx.csv`.
- Added `ssd_hp_bcanz()` and `ssd_hp.fitburrlioz()` function to get hazard proportions.
- Added `trans = "log10"` and `add_x = 0` arguments to `ssd_plot()` and `ssd_plot_data()`.
- Added `ssd_pmulti()`, `ssd_qmulti()` and `ssd_rmulti()` for combined mixture distributions.
- Added `ssd_exx()` functions to get default parameter estimates for distributions.
- Added David Fox and Rebecca Fisher as co-authors.
- Added `npars` argument to `ssd_dists_bcanz()`.
## Modifications
- Changed to `min_pboot = 0.95` for all functions.
- Changed `min_pmix = 0` to `min_pmix = ssd_min_pmix(nrow(data))` to by default
give set min_pmix to be `0.1` or `3/nrow(data)` if greater to improve convergence of mixture models.
- `estimates.fitdists()` now includes weights in returned parameters as well as an
`all_estimates = FALSE` argument to allow parameter values for all implemented distributions to be included.
- `ssd_fit_bcanz()`, `ssd_wqg_bc()` and `ssd_wqg_burrlioz()` no longer rescale data by default.
- `rescale = TRUE` now divides by the geometric mean of the minimum and maximum positive finite values as opposed to dividing by the geometric mean of the maximum finite value.
- Replaced column percentage between 0 and 100 with proportion between 0 and 1 in output of `ssd_hc()`
- Changed `delta = 7` to `delta = 9.21` to weight of included models no more than 0.01.
- seeds now allocated to bootstrap samples as opposed to distributions (this results in a speed gain when more cores than the number of distributions).
- Exported `dists = ssd_dists_bcanz()` argument to `ssd_fit_bcanz()` to allow other packages to modify.
- Check `...` unused where appropriate.
- `ssd_plot_cdf()` now includes average with other distributions if `average = NA` (@poissonconsulting, #351).
- switched from `logit_pmix` to `pmix` in mixture distributions
- `lnorm` no longer initializes optimization with maximum likelihood estimates
- Offset starting values for `gompertz` distribution.
## Fixes
- `ssd_hc()` and `ssd_hp()` now include `parametric` column.
- `ssd_hp()` now includes `wt` column
## Deprecation
- Soft-deprecated argument `percent = 5` for `proportion = 0.05` for `ssd_hc()` and `predict()`.
- `is_censored()`, `ssd_plot_cf()` and `comma_signif(...)` now warn deprecated unconditionally.
- `plot.fitdists()` now defunct.
- Removed defunct `ssd_cfplot()`
- Removed `ccme_data` and `ccme_boron` data set.