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WeasyPrint Container

This repository includes an API server and a Helm chart, offering endpoints for generating PDFs from HTML data with WeasyPrint.


Helm Chart Setup

In Chart.yaml:

apiVersion: v2
name: main
description: A Helm chart
type: application
version: 0.1.0
appVersion: '0.1.0'
  - name: weasyprint
    # Refer to for available versions
    version: '0.1.2'
    condition: weasyprint.enabled

In values.yaml:

  enabled: true

    # Refer to for available tags
    tag: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  nameOverride: weasyprint
  fullnameOverride: weasyprint

Running WeasyPrint Locally

To run WeasyPrint, a tool for creating PDF documents, in your local development environment, use the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --pull always

This will start WeasyPrint on http://localhost:8080.

API Documentation

This API provides a set of endpoints for basic status checks and PDF generation.


1. Home Endpoint

  • URL: /

  • Method: GET

  • Description: This endpoint checks the status of the API. It returns a simple JSON response indicating that the API is running.

  • Response:

    • Status: 200 OK
    • Body:
        "status": true

2. Generate PDF Endpoint

  • URL: /pdf

  • Method: POST

  • Description: This endpoint generates a PDF from the provided HTML and CSS. The generated PDF is returned as a downloadable file.

  • Request:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • Body Parameters:

      • html (string, required): The HTML content to be converted into a PDF.
      • css (string, optional): The CSS styles to apply to the HTML content. Defaults to an empty string.
      • filename (string, optional): The name of the generated PDF file. Defaults to "download.pdf".
    • Example:

        "html": "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>",
        "css": "h1 { color: red; }",
        "filename": "hello.pdf"
  • Response:

    • Status: 200 OK

    • Headers:

      • Content-Disposition: Contains the attachment details and filename.
    • Body: The generated PDF file as binary content.

    • Example:

      • Headers:
        Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='hello.pdf'
      • Body: The PDF file content.

Default Fonts

BC Sans Typeface (BCSans)

BC Sans (2.0) is an open-source, evolving typeface designed to enhance the readability and effectiveness of digital services in government. The fonts can be accessed at: BC Sans Typeface.