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blo - Blockchain Identicons Generator

blo is a small and fast library to generate Blockchain identicons.

npm License: CORE Bundle Size TypeScript GitHub Sponsors


  • 🐥 Small: Bundle Size gzipped, distributed as minified ES modules.
  • 🔍 Optimized: Leverages SVG to generate compact and sharp images at any size.
  • 💆 Simple: Covering all blockchain networks, focusing on uniformity.
  • 🗂 Typed: Ships with types included.
  • 👫 Works everywhere: browsers, Bun, Node.js.
  • ☁️ Zero dependencies.

Library Comparison

Library Renders/sec1 Size2 Types Environment3 Rendering
@blockchainhub/blo 520 Bundle Size Types support Environment support SVG
blockies-react-svg 580 Bundle size Types support Environment support SVG
ethereum-blockies-base64 450 Bundle Size Types support Environment support PNG
@download/blockies 370 Bundle size Types support Environment support Canvas
blockies-ts 370 Bundle size Types support Environment support Canvas
react-blockies 700 Bundle size Types support Environment support Canvas

Getting Started

npm i -S @blockchainhub/blo
pnpm add @blockchainhub/blo
yarn add @blockchainhub/blo
import { blo } from "@blockchainhub/blo";

img.src = blo("cb7147879011ea207df5b35a24ca6f0859dcfb145999");

React / Vue / Others

blo is fast enough to not require memoization or async rendering for common use cases.

function AddressIcon(address: string) {
  return (


blo(address: Address, options?: BloOptions): string

Get a data URI string representing the identicon as an SVG image.

import { blo } from "@blockchainhub/blo";

// Default usage (64px)
img.src = blo("0x123...");

// With options
img.src = blo("0x123...", {
  size: 32,         // Custom size (default: 64)
  seed: "custom"    // Custom seed (default: undefined)

bloSvg(address: Address, options?: BloOptions): string

Same as blo() but returns SVG code instead of a data URI.

const svg = bloSvg("0x123...", {
  size: 32,
  seed: "custom"

bloImage(address: Address, options?: BloOptions): BloImage

Get a BloImage data structure that can be used to render the image in different formats.

const [imageData, palette] = bloImage("0x123...", {
  seed: "custom"


interface BloOptions {
  // Size in pixels (default: 64)
  size?: number;

  // Custom seed for generation (default: undefined)
  // If undefined, uses the address as seed
  seed?: string;


The library ships with TypeScript types included:

export type Address = string;
export type BloImage = [BloImageData, Palette];
export type BloImageData = Uint8Array;

export interface BloOptions {
  size?: number;
  seed?: string;

export type Palette = {
  background: Hsl;
  primary: Hsl;
  accent: Hsl;

export type Hsl = Uint16Array;

Address Case Handling

By default, blo displays addresses in lowercase. You have three options for case handling:

  • Lowercase (default): Set uppercase to false or omit it
  • Uppercase: Set uppercase to true
  • Preserve original case: Set uppercase to null


import { blo } from "@blockchainhub/blo";

const address = "cb7147879011ea207df5b35a24ca6f0859dcfb145999";

// Default behavior (lowercase)
const identicon1 = blo(address);

// Force uppercase
const identicon2 = blo(address, true);

// Preserve original case
const identicon3 = blo(address, null);

Note: The case of the address only affects its visual representation. Internally, the identicon generation algorithm always uses lowercase for consistency.



Does it work with CNS, ENS names?

Yes. You can use the ENS name directly as the address parameter.

Can blo render other formats than SVG?

You can render to any format you want by using the bloImage() function, which returns a data structure (see API above). Check out the Bun and Node demos for examples of rendering an identicon in the terminal.

Can it be used to generate other types of identicons?

blo focuses on the blockchain algorithm but you can use it with any data.

Why is it named blo?

blo is short for blockies, which is the name of the original library it is based on.




See for details.

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  1. The number of renders per second. It was measured on Chromium Engine 131, MacOS with an Apple M2 Max. See ./benchmark for the methodology.

  2. Minizipped bundle size. Good to be < 1 KiB.

  3. The term "all" refers to libraries that are framework agnostic and that run in browsers, Bun and Node.js.