This is a very simple, single use-case scraper for DC crime data. Still, a few lessons can be learned from its implementation.
Because the source data required form navigation (dropdowns, checkboxes, etc.) to download a csv, I used the selenium package which automates browswer functionality (in this case, Firefox). Running this script locally opens Firefox, navigates the form, and downloads the file (ignoring the "save" dialog box).
##Running remotely
Because this script runs on a remote Ubuntu server, I had to run Firefox with a headless driver (i.e. a browswer driver with no Graphical User Interface), which I did using the Xvfb display server. From the server I ran:
$ apt-get install xvfb
####Set Xvfb's display number to one unlikey to be used (:98 in this case):
$ Xvfb :98 -ac
####Set environment display number to 98:
$ export DISPLAY=:98
Now the selenium script can run remotely.
##Scheduling the script:
I wrote the following cron job to schedule the script (since the DC crime data updates daily)
0 5 * * * rm -f /home/ubuntu/data/SearchResults* && export DISPLAY=:98 && /usr/bin/python /home/ubuntu/
Every night at 5:00 AM, the script deletes the old data file (SearchResults.txt), sets the environment display, and runs the python scraper
##Hosting the data
I installed nginx on the server, then modified the nginx config file:
vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
And modified the location of static files in the http/server block
server {
location / {
root /path/to/data;
Then just navigate to http://your-server's-IP/ to download the most recent version SearchResults.txt