k-fidelity is a program that can be used to compare the fidelity of quantum simulation results. k-fidelity targets Intel-QS and QuaC.
The following fidelity comparisons can be performed:
- between noisy and non-noisy Intel-QS
- between Intel-QS and QuaC
To run the program, simply type the following to bring up the help menu:
python3 k-fidelity -h
to compare results from Intel-QS against itself(noisy vs non-noisy), set any QuaC parameters to 'None'. The program will execute Intel-QS only. Example below:
python3 k-fidelity.py -K=10 -T1=10 -T2=10 -Intel_QS_interface='/home/Intel-QS/interface/qasm_interface.exe' -Intel_QS_qasm_dir='/home/QASMs/Intel_QS_qasm/' -QuaC_interface='None'
to compare results between Intel-QS and QuaC, all parameters need to be populated. Below is an example:
python3 k-fidelity.py -K=10 -T1=10 -T2=10 -Intel_QS_interface='/home/Intel-QS/interface/qasm_interface.exe' -QuaC_interface='/home/QuaC/projectq_simple_circuit' -Intel_QS_qasm_dir='/home/QASMs/Intel_QS_qasm/' -QuaC_qasm_dir='/home/QASMs/QuaC_qasm/' -graphs_dir='/home/graphs/' -output_dir='/home/output/'
Program parameters:
'-K', run the noisy Intel_QS simulation k number of times
'-T1', T1 amplitude damping
'-T2', T2 dephasing
'-Intel_QS_interface', type=str, Directory of qasm_interface.exe
'-QuaC_interface', type=str, Directory of projectq_simple_circuit. If left empty, the program will compare noisy Intel-QS simulations against a non-noisy Intel-QS reference simulation'
'-Intel_QS_qasm_dir', type=str, Directory of Intel-QS qasms'
'-QuaC_qasm_dir', type=str, Directory of QuaC qasms, e.g. QASMs/QuaC_qasm/ If left empty, the program will compare noisy Intel-QS simulations against a non-noisy Intel-QS reference simulation'
'-graphs_dir', type=str, directory for graphs'
'-output_dir', type=str, directory for output'