OpenHack to store and search through chats/conversations using CosmosDB + Azure Cognitive Search. The primary focus will be to store and search through chat content; and not about the development of an actual chat app. This hack will build upon an existing chat app sample and extend it with search functionality.
Note: this repo is a fork of @ealsur's repo which contains a sample chat application built using Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Functions and Azure SignalR. For the full description of the how the chat app works, see @ealsur's sample.
Development of an MVP to store and search through chat content.
- All saved chats are searchable with low latency, i.e is searable as soon as it's saved.
- A new set of REST api(s) to 'push' newly saved CosmosDB data to the Azure Search Index. (Target Function Version=3 with .Net Core 3.1)
Note: I recommend selecting the EastUS2 region for all components - at the time of writing this, Azure Signalr Service was not avaiable in certain regions during my initial testing.
- Create a Azure Cosmos DB account to obtain the Connection String, the account needs to be a SQL API account. REMARKS: the format of the connection string should be "Endpoint=https://{cosmosdb-name};AccessKey={key};".
- Create a database called chat and a collection called lines (it can be the smallest possible 400RU collection). IMPORTANT: Due the older version of the SDK, do the following steps to ensure reserved throughput at container level, otherwise the sample will not work.
- Uncheck "Provision thoughput" checkbox when creating the chat database.
- Check "Provision dedicated throughput for this container" and leave the default to 400RUs.
- Create a Azure SignalR account to obtain the Connection String (it can left at the Free tier). IMPORTANT: Select "Serverless" for the Sevice Mode.
- Click the Deploy to Azure button and it will guide you into automatically creating the Azure Function app with all the code deployed on Azure.
Clone this repo, fill out the local.settings.json file with the Connection Strings for Azure Cosmos DB and Azure SignalR and run it with F5!
Open your browser in the base address informed by the Azure Function's runtime (something along the lines of http://localhost:<some-port>
Just click in the Deploy to Azure button and it will guide you into automatically creating the Azure Function app with all the code deployed on Azure.
Open your browser in the base address informed by the Azure Function's Portal (something along the lines of https://<your-app-name>
Due to the low latency requiremments, i.e. the search operations must be in sync with population of the CosmosDB, the push model is the only option. In a push model, the data is programatically sent to the Azure Search index. Reference:
Support for multiple CosmosDB triggers. Reference:
- The chat app code is based on the @ealsur's sample.