Required to identify a wallet id for a given daad guide.
We use our internal azure devops pipelines to build and package the application. The resulting docker images are published here in the Github Container Registry
Running the Wallet API requires
- a running Enmeshed Connector (including its MongoDB)
- a running and configured ArangoDB
You need to pass the application properties to the docker run command to establish a connection to the connector and database. There are several options:
- pass individual environment variables
- define a separate application-.yaml and pass it to the docker run command
- pass it as json through the environment variable
You can read about the options supported by Spring Boot here
The following example illustrates how to start this container as a service in the azure cloud. Switch to the azure console to run the following command:
az container create --resource-group <<resource-group>> --name <<container-name>> \
--image --dns-name-label <<dns-name>> \
--ports 8080 --os-type Linux --protocol TCP --registry-username <<user to access registry>> \
--registry-password <<password to access registry>> --environment-variables \
SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON='{ "spring": { "profiles": { "active": "remote" }, \
"security": { "user": { "name": "xxx", "password": "xxx" } } }, \
"security": { "api-key": "xxx" }, \
"arango": { "url": "xxx", "user": "xxx", "password": "xxx" }, \
"enmeshed": { "connector": { "url": "xxx", "apikey": "xxx" }, "id": { "rt": "xxx" } } }'