Luminate Mantle is a Wordpress Plugin for use with the Luminate Online API. It provides a wrapper around the Luminate Online REST API.
/* Verify that the luminateMantle Plugin is activated */
if ( ! apply_filters( 'luminate-mantle-installed', false ) ) {
echo "The Luminate Mantle Plugin isn't loaded!";
} else {
/* Initalize the plugin */
$LuminateMantle = new LuminateMantle();
/* Setup the request */
$data = [
'servlet' => 'teamraiser',
'method' => 'getTeamraisersByInfo',
'params' => [
'list_page_size' => 10,
'event_type' => '',
'name' => '%search term%'
$request = ['data' => http_build_query($data)];
/* Make the request */
$result = $LuminateMantle->luminateMantle($request);
/* Dump the result */
echo $result;