Xamarin.iOS bindings for Mixpanel iOS v3.6.2.
Xam.Plugin.Mixpanel.iOS is available via NuGet. https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xam.Plugin.Mixpanel.iOS/
Include Mixpanel
using Xam.Plugin.Mixpanel.iOS;
And then follow the docs provided at the Mixpanel Developer Documentation (https://developer.mixpanel.com/docs/ios)
- Run FetchFramework.sh
$ ./FetchFramework.sh
- Open Xam.Plugin.Mixpanel.iOS.sln
- Build and fetch your .dlls from the bin/ directory.
- Run BuildNugetPackage.sh
$ ./BuildNugetPackage.sh
- Fetch your Xam.Plugin.Mixpanel.iOS.x.y.z.nupkg and Xam.Plugin.Mixpanel.iOS.x.y.z.snupkg from the Binding directory.
To update the Mixpanel SDK change the version within Binding/Cartfile to your desired SDK version and run the FetchFramework.sh script.
If there are API changes you will want to run SharpieBind.sh instead and examine code output in the newly generated NewBinding_ApiDefinition.cs and NewBinding_StructsAndEnums.cs files. Desired API changes should be then modified in the ApiDefinition.cs and StructsAndEnums.cs files. NOTE: The NewBinding_ files are not build ready and need to be modified manually.
- Verify the Verify statements work as expected.
- Figure out how to handle MixpanelTypeCategory correctly.
Pull requests welcome!