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CrunchyScore - MyAnimeList & AniList Score on Crunchyroll

CrunchyScore is available on Chrome Web Store and Firefox


CrunchyScore is a Chrome and Firefox extension that introduces a new way to explore Crunchyroll. With CrunchyScore, you can access MyAnimeList and AniList anime ratings directly within Crunchyroll, eliminating the need for extra tabs.


CrunchyScore brings a set of customizable features to enhance your Crunchyroll browsing experience:

Fetch Scores from API

  • Automatic retrieval of anime scores when browsing Crunchyroll by Crunchyroll ID.

Display Scores

  • View MyAnimeList and AniList scores beneath each anime card and on individual anime pages.

Customization Settings

  • Select your preferred score provider MyAnimeList or AniList.
  • Customize how scores are displayed based on your preferences. Options include:
    • Score Text Color
    • Score Label
    • Decimal Precision
    • Sorting Method

Integration on Pages

  • The scores are accessible on various pages, including Popular, Newest, Simulcast, and Videos (Genres).


To start using CrunchyScore, install the extension from the Chrome Web Store. Once installed, right-click on the extension icon to access the settings panel where you can customize the score display according to your needs.

Source Code

This repository contains the source code for CrunchyScore. The source code is released under the MIT License

To add the build and development instructions to your README for the CrunchyScore extension, you can follow this template:

Build Instructions


Before building the extension, ensure you have node and npm installed on your machine.

Building the Extension

This project uses vite to build for different environments. To build the extension for Chrome or Firefox, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory:
    cd crunchyscore
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Build the extension for Chrome:
    npm run build:chrome
  5. Build the extension for Firefox:
    npm run build:firefox

The build artifacts will be located in the dist directory under separate folders for each browser.

Support and Feedback

We welcome any bug reports, feature requests, and general feedback. If you encounter any issues or have any ideas for improving CrunchyScore, please create an issue in this repository.