LAB1: Alternative to installing VirtualBox on MAC M1/M2/M3
Posted on: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 4:38:32 PM EDT
Hi All,
As some of the students with MAC machines indicated facing issue installing Virtualbox on their machine, An alternative approach could be to setup a Docker environment that comes with OS161 installed. To do that, please install Docker (https://www.docker.com) on your machine and follow the steps from this Github link - https://github.com/Uberi/uw-cs350-development-environment/tree/master
Once you install Docker on your machine, you should follow the steps from the "Usage" specified in the Github README (from 'If you are not on Debian/Ubuntu').
For building the kernel, please use the following code (instead of the build-and-run-kernel.sh if you face issue with it) -
mkdir --parents /root/cs350-os161/root
cp --update /root/sys161/share/examples/sys161/sys161.conf.sample /root/cs350-os161/root/sys161.conf
cd /root/cs350-os161/os161-1.99
./configure --ostree=/root/cs350-os161/root --toolprefix=cs350-
cd /root/cs350-os161/os161-1.99/kern/conf
./config ASST0
cd /root/cs350-os161/os161-1.99/kern/compile/ASST0
bmake depend
bmake install
cd /root/cs350-os161/os161-1.99
bmake install
To run the kernel:
cd /root/cs350-os161/root
sys161 kernel-ASST0