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A C++ word2vec implementation, following the training style of
This software has been tested on Pop_OS 20.10 (an Ubuntu patch) with g++ (Ubuntu 10.2.0-13ubuntu1) 10.2.0

Installation & Run

To install and run the software:

  1. git clone
  2. make
  3. ./word2vec <parameters>

where the possible parameters are listed below:

Parameters for training:
        -train-file-path <file>
                Use text data from <file> to train the model
        -out-vectors-path <file>
                Use <file> to save the resulting word vectors; default is './vectors.txt'
        -out-vocab-path <file>
                The vocabulary will be saved to <file>; default is './vocab.txt'
        -in-vocab-path <file>
                The vocabulary will loaded from <file>; default is ''
        -emb-dim <int>
                Set size of word vectors; default is 100
        -window-size <int>
                Set max skip length between words; default is 5
        -min-count <int>
                This will discard words that appear less than <int> times; default is 5
        -negative <int>
                Number of negative examples; default is 5, common values are 3 - 10 (0 = not used)
        -unigram-table-size <float>
                Set size of the unigram table; default is 1e8
        -unigram-pow <float>
                Set the power of the unigram distribution for the negative sampling; default is 0.75
        -sample <float>
                Set threshold for occurrence of words. Those that appear with higher frequency in the training data
                will be randomly down-sampled; default is 1e-3, useful range is (0, 1e-5)
        -max-sentence-length <int>
                Max number of words in a sentence to be processed; default is 1000
        -num-workers <int>
                Use <int> threads (default 4)
        -epochs <int>
                Run more training iterations (default 5)
        -lr <float>
                Set the starting learning rate; default is 0.025 for skip-gram and 0.05 for CBOW
        -cbow <int>
                Use the continuous bag of words model; default is 1 (use 0 for skip-gram model)
        -log-freq <int>
                Log training information every <int> processed words; default is 10000

./word2vec -train-file-path data.txt -emb-dim 100 -window-size 5 -sample 1e-3 -negative 5 -cbow 1 -epochs 3

As an example, one can train a word2vec model on the text8 dataset running the following commands:

  1. chmod +x
  2. ./

This will download and unzip the text8 dataset in the current directory and train a word2vec CBOW model


All the test reported below are run thanks to script.
Model hyperparameters for both tests:

  • train file: text8
  • window size: 5
  • min count: 5
  • negative size: 10
  • embedding dimension: 100
  • others by default

Next are listed, in descending order by similarity, the first 10 similar words to the word "cat", as found by the CBOW trained model:

  1. cat
  2. dog
  3. llama
  4. rat
  5. bird
  6. eared
  7. zebra
  8. squirrel
  9. shrew
  10. goat

Results CBOW

Dataset Num Pairs Not found Rho (Mine) Rho (Gensim) Rho (Mikolov)
EN-MC-30.txt 30 0 0.5450 0.5277 0.6047
EN-MTurk-771.txt 771 2 0.5451 0.5516 0.5468
EN-SimVerb-3500.txt 3500 255 0.1405 0.1428 0.1432
EN-WS-353-ALL.txt 353 2 0.6611 0.6632 0.6736
EN-WS-353-REL.txt 252 1 0.6283 0.6293 0.6400
EN-YP-130.txt 130 12 0.2501 0.2746 0.2652
EN-VERB-143.txt 144 0 0.3427 0.3607 0.3609
EN-MEN-TR-3k.txt 3000 13 0.5869 0.5884 0.5963
EN-RW-STANFORD.txt 2034 1083 0.3373 0.3277 0.3282
EN-MTurk-287.txt 287 3 0.6363 0.6373 0.6448
EN-RG-65.txt 65 0 0.5642 0.5173 0.5613
EN-WS-353-SIM.txt 203 1 0.6991 0.6971 0.7153
EN-SIMLEX-999.txt 999 7 0.2626 0.2659 0.2729

Results Skip-Gram

Dataset Num Pairs Not found Rho (Mine) Rho (Gensim) Rho (Mikolov)
EN-MC-30.txt 30 0 0.6674 0.5733 0.6650
EN-MTurk-771.txt 771 2 0.5655 0.5641 0.5603
EN-SimVerb-3500.txt 3500 255 0.1702 0.1747 0.1731
EN-WS-353-ALL.txt 353 2 0.6755 0.6649 0.6798
EN-WS-353-REL.txt 252 1 0.6483 0.6341 0.6496
EN-YP-130.txt 130 12 0.3325 0.3497 0.3220
EN-VERB-143.txt 144 0 0.3738 0.3467 0.3828
EN-MEN-TR-3k.txt 3000 13 0.6042 0.6097 0.6064
EN-RW-STANFORD.txt 2034 1083 0.3833 0.3774 0.3861
EN-MTurk-287.txt 287 3 0.6530 0.6359 0.6446
EN-RG-65.txt 65 0 0.6215 0.5823 0.6324
EN-WS-353-SIM.txt 203 1 0.7316 0.7085 0.7260
EN-SIMLEX-999.txt 999 7 0.2985 0.3150 0.2983

Future works

  • Implement a function to instantly retrieve a word vector
  • Implement distance functions between vectors, such as cosine or L2
  • Implement a function to get nearest neighbours given a word


A C++ word2vec implemetation






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