Repository for code related to our 4th year project in Magnetic Induction Tomography, modelling the forward and inverse problems. Currently working on a Biot-Savart solver in lieu of tackling the forward problem.
Python 3.10 or higher
numpy, matplotlib, scipy
- Ascertain whether discretizing/chunking the wires is strictly necessary for square loops.
- Done. Wire discretization unnecessary for circular current loops, but necessary for square loops.
- Compare the accuracy of the Biot-Savart solver in a test vs. a known analytical solution. (Circular loop as analytical solutions for square loops can be hard to come by)
- Done. Completed for both square and circular loops. Code can be found in:
└───validation tests
- Implement a smarter discretization than taking the midpoints of each discretized segment. (Simpson's Rule?)
- Not implemented. Currently not seen as necessary given the sufficient accuracy of the solver using the midpoint rule.
- Write a configparser to parse a "parameters.txt" or "config.txt" file. Code should then accept some parameters for square/circular loops etc. and create the requisite Wire objects; performing Biot-Savart calculations for a given set of points.
- Done. Implemented config in JSON files, parsing them to dictionaries. Documentation/lab book stuff to follow.
- Implement a Biot-Savart solver for multiple coils/wires at once and test.
- Improve documentation on how the code works/update lab book as necessary.
- Write some more unit tests:
- Test for Wire object creation
- Test for Biot-Savart calculations
- Write an end-to-end simulation which makes a ring of circular coils (maybe 8 at first) all surrounding the origin in the x-y plane. Write some logic to plot a 2d colourmap/surface plot to show areas of high and low magnetic field, B.