A heuristic to solve the Steiner Tree Problem for Lattice Graphs - proudly written in C#
This should work instantly with Visual Studio assuming you have the latest .NET framework. If not, open an issue.
Given a graph G that is a grid graph of dimension m x n (m≥ n≥ 2) with equally weighted edges (weight>0) and a set of vertices V that are all members of G, find a route them that minimizes this: (total number of vertices visited - |V|).
Quick example: If you had a 3 x 3 graph with zero based indexing (i.e. the graph goes from 0,0 to 2,2), the best route would be (0,0) -> (1,0) -> (2,0) -> (2,1) -> (2,2) which would return a value of 3. Remember that |V| can be >2 so this is about as trivial of an example as you can get.
It's easy to see that the subgraph induced by the vertex set that represents the route must be a tree. This makes this problem the Steiner Tree Problem applied to grid graphs.
Note: it's possible that there's a perfect algorithim for this. Finding it would undoubtedly require more mathematical analysis & research than I did.
- Create an order of visiting for the targets
- Of the vertices with the lowest vertical index, pick the one with the lowest horizontal index (i.e. the one closes to the "northwest".
- If there's only one other target, that's next. If not, pick the target closest to the current target for the next.
- Select the optimal direction for the first two points from step 1. This direction (left/right) will represent where the program tends to go. For example, in the example above, were the preferred direction left, the solution would have gone through 0,2 and not 2,0.
- Go in the direction (relative to the destination of this step) of the next target x value that is not the same as the current destinations's x value. If there is none that meets that condition, set the program to go left (note: this is flawed - easy improvement here)
- Using Breadth First Search, find the optimal route between the two points. Use the direction from step 2 to determine which neighbors get added to the Queue ADT first.
- Repeat step 2 and 3 |V|-1 times.
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