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I type using the Workman keyboard layout. I also type on a fully reprogrammable 60% split ergonomic mechanical keyboard shameless https://uhk.io plug. I highly HIGHLY recommend the wrist rests, key cluster and trackpad addons for the best developer experience.
Considering I don't type Qwerty OR Dvorak, and multiple layers, I've made some
navigation changes to suit my home row of ASHTGYNEOI'
UHK keyboards come out of the box with Arrow navigation keys already mapped to Qwerty's Mod+I/J/K/L (Mod+U/N/E/O for Workman), so I'm extremely used to navigating files with a left thumb and UNEO.
To capitalize on this existing familiarity, I also use for half-file navigation upwards and for half-file navigation downwards (see https://github.com/benjamindburke/nvim-config/blob/main/lua/nvim_config/remap.lua) to share the U scancode between Up Arrow and Up 1/2 Page by switching between Mod + u and and Mod + e and for Down Arrow.
My left hand's home row (ASHTG) is used for Harpoon navigation.
<C-a> through <C-t> navigate through Harpoon file 1-4 with <C-g> bringing up the Harpoon dashboard. Additionally, with the layers available on my keyboard, it is more ergonomic for me to use Mod+U/N/E/O for Up/Left/Down/Right Arrows, respectively, to navigate files with Vim motions.
So despite not using Qwerty, I don't find the need to remap hjkl at all!
This configuration relies on:
- npm (required to install some LSPs)
- rust (required to install some LSPs)
- vi-mongo (required for mongo TUI usage)
- Nerd Font (required to render LSP symbols)
- The specific font I use is GoMono Nerd Font
- https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads
- OpenAI API key and account credits
- This is ONLY required if you want to use the plugin text-to-colorscheme