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Tests for trends in vaccine efficacy by genetic distance


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Installation of sievetrend

The sievetrend repository is available for download as an R package and may be downloaded directly from GitHub as follows.

# install sievetrend from GitHub
## Downloading GitHub repo benkeser/sievetrend@master
## from URL

## Installing sievetrend

## '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' --no-site-file  \
##   --no-environ --no-save --no-restore --quiet CMD INSTALL  \
##   '/private/var/folders/9d/nqhs6v950v39sthl1pljm6s40000gp/T/RtmpoSwAio/devtools19bb729b17e/benkeser-sievetrend-ff4f5b2'  \
##   --library='/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library'  \
##   --install-tests

# also will require package survtmle
if(!("survtmle" %in% row.names(installed.packages()))){
## survtmle: Targeted Learning for Survival Analysis

## Version: 1.0.0

Below, we include the code that was used to perform the simulation study and to analyze the RTS,S data for the manuscript.


Here, we demonstrate how to obtain results for a simulated data set.

# sample size
n <- 1000

# set random seed

# simulate data set
dat <- makeData(n = n)

# get the formula for the empirical estimate of the
# censoring distribution needed for input to survtmle
glm.ctime <- get.ctimeForm(trt = dat$trt, site = dat$adjustVars$site, 
                           ftime = dat$ftime, ftype = dat$ftype)

# call survtmle to estimate cumulative incidence
object <- survtmle(ftime = dat$ftime,
                  ftype = dat$ftype,
                  adjustVars = dat$adjustVars,
                  trt = dat$trt,
                  glm.trt = "1",
                  glm.ftime = "trt*factor(site)",
                  glm.ctime = glm.ctime,
                  method = "mean",

# call trend_test to estimate projection
trend <- trend_test(object)
## Trend in efficacy across failure type levels: 
##     beta lower_95%CI upper_95%CI  pval
## 1 -0.254      -0.486      -0.022 0.032

A numerical approximation of the true value of β0, n may be obtained as follows.

# get covariance matrix estimate
nabla_g <- sievetrend:::grad_g(object$est)
Upsilon_n <- nabla_g %*% cov(Reduce(cbind, object$ic)) %*% t(nabla_g) 
# call getTruth function with this estimate several times 
# and average (to increase accuracy)
beta_0n <- rowMeans(replicate(20, getTruth(Upsilon = Upsilon_n, n = 1e6)))[2]

# compare estimate to truth
c(est = trend$beta, truth = beta_0n)
##        est      truth 
## -0.2540477 -0.2001120

The full code used to execute the simulation study is included in the simulation subdirectory. This includes the script cent.R, which is batched to a slurm via the script The function makeIllustrationPlot was used to produce Figure 1.

RTS,S Analysis

Due to existing privacy agreements, it is difficult to obtain access to the real RTS,S data. Nevertheless, a mock data set is distributed with the survtmle package that will serve as illustration for the outputation methodology. See ?rtss for further description of the data set.

The rtss data set is a list of ten data sets each representing an outputed data set. They are formatted for analysis of a binary genetic mark, so we first replace the failure type column with a simulated genetic distance.

# replace the ftype column in each data set
rtss_mod <- lapply(rtss, function(data){
    # which were observed failures
    fail_idx <- which(data$ftype > 0)
    # number of observed failures
    fail_n <- length(fail_idx)
    # replace with a simulated version
    data$ftype[fail_idx] <- rbinom(fail_n, 4, plogis(data$vaccine)) + 1
    # collapse site variable into a single column
    data$site <- as.numeric(1*(data$site1==1) + 2*(data$site2==1) + 
                            3*(data$site3==1) + 4*(data$site4==1) + 

# check out new ftype distribution for first
# outputed data set
##    0    1    2    3    4    5 
## 4806   48  272  583  746  435

Now we use survtmle to estimate the cumulative incidence for each data set.

rslt <- lapply(rtss_mod, function(data){
    glm.ctime <- get.ctimeForm(trt = data$trt, site = data$site, 
                           ftime = data$ftime, ftype = data$ftype)

    object <- survtmle(ftime = data$ftime,
                  ftype = data$ftype,
                  adjustVars = data[,"site",drop=FALSE],
                  trt = data$vaccine,
                  glm.trt = "1",
                  glm.ftime = "trt*factor(site)",
                  glm.ctime = glm.ctime,
                  method = "mean",

We can use the getMO function to obtain the averaged cumulative incidence results and apply the trend_test on this scale.

# obtain averaged results
mo_rslt <- getMO(rslt)

# apply trend test
mo_trend <- trend_test(mo_rslt)
## Trend in efficacy across failure type levels: 
##     beta lower_95%CI upper_95%CI  pval
## 1 -0.021      -0.916       0.874 0.963


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