Releases: benoitfragit/google2ubuntu
Merge pull request #49 from Mte90/master fix italian translation
This release brings:
- Traditional chinese translation
- Portuguese translation
- New setup windows
- Bug fixes
- Wikipédia fixe
- Possibiliy to set the recording time
- Possibility to pause and play the music player with your own custom commands (even bash script if needed)
v1.1.2 Update
v1.1.1 New constructor for the treeview due do PyGobject deprecation
- adding a menu to change language
- adding a class to manage locale easily
- adding a dictation mode
- adding the possibility to reconfigure a module from google2ubuntu-manager
- drag & drop a folder automaticcaly add a line in the treeview with a command to open it
- adding a man page
- adding spanish translation
- adding deutch translation
- adding italian translation
- correct dependancies
- adding Sox not recording in 16kHz bug fixe
- xml default config file in english
- bug fixes
- New module way
- New module meaning
- time funciton now speak
A new version with bug fixes, increase speed and a new notification system
google2ubuntu lets you control your linux computer with your voice thanks to the Google speech recognition api. It is available in english and french and I need people to make other traduction.
The tool has been developed in order to be user friendly.
EDIT: 1.0.4
- adding Google tts api
- Reading clipboard internal commnd
- GUI refinement
- google2ubuntu_1.0.4_all.deb
EDIT: 1.0.5
- Reorganisating codes
- Retraduction code
- xml config replace texte config
- simplification
google2ubuntu lets you control your linux computer with your voice thanks to the Google speech recognition api. It is available in english and french and I need people to make other traduction.
The tool has been developed in order to be user friendly.
- adding Google tts api
- Reading clipboard internal commnd
- GUI refinement
google2ubuntu lets you control your linux computer with your voice thanks to the Google speech recognition api. It is available in english and french and I need people to make other traduction.
The tool has been developed in order to be user friendly.