PagerDuty ( handler for checking who's on call.
This handler has no external dependancies. It directly calls the PagerDuty API via HTTPS.
I created it because the various PagerDuty Lita handlers didn't suppor the functionality we cared about most. Furthermore I learned that this is because the PagerDuty Ruby Gems they are based on don't implemented it. Harlan Barnes solved this problem as well (, see branch "issue-3") but his patch outputs contact information for persons who are oncall, rather than showing the oncall escalation tree.
This is my first non-trivial Lita Handler, for the time being it is a work in progress. Be ye thus warned.
This handler isn't yet packaged as a Gem. If you wish to try it, git clone this repo in your Lita directory and add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem "lita-pagerduty-oncall", :path => "lita-pagerduty-oncall/"
Then run "bundle install".
Add the following variables to your Lita config file:
config.handlers.pagerduty-oncall.api_key = ''
config.handlers.pagerduty-oncall.subdomain = ''
Invoke with the "oncall" command:
@BotName oncall
Exmaple output seen in room:
1: Paul Paulison (static)
Dev Escalation:
1: Bob Smith (02/02/15 08:00 - 02/09/15 08:00 UTC)
IT Support:
-- Empty Rotation --
1: Josh Johnson (02/02/15 17:00 - 02/09/15 17:00 UTC)
2: Ian Iradium (02/02/15 16:00 - 02/09/15 16:00 UTC)
3: Stephen Summers (02/03/15 02:00 - 02/06/15 02:00 UTC)