NoFlo and NodeCopter examples
Clone this repository and install the dependencies with:
$ npm install
Then you can build the client-side file with:
$ grunt build
Connect your computer to the network provided by your AR.Drone. Then start the server-side process that communicates with your drone with:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/noflo graphs/FlowCopter.fbp
Then open one of the client-side files in your browser. If you want to use the gamepad example, you need a compatible gamepad. We've tested this so far only with a USB-connected XBox controller. Click the Start button to get the drone flying.
There is a system for communicating between client-side NoFlo flows and Node.js via WebSockets. This is used in the gamepad example.
The protocol is quite simple. Each command is sent as a JSON object, like the following:
"forward": 0.4
"land": true
There can be multiple commands in the same payload.