That is a web3 NFT marketplace application in which users can sell
and buy
Program is written with Anchor by ASCorreia
Program Address: ExVEuRgiSqhPogdkQiWT4vH4A6EjnWkyoUNKCrJeAS7r
To run that repo on your machine
git clone [repo]
bun i or npm i or yarn i
bun run dev
- As a user, I can list my collection nfts
- As a user, I can purchase an nft from the market
- As a user, I am able to delist my listed nfts,
- As a user, I can't buy nft if the balance is not enough,
- As a user, I can't write negative prices while listing
[!NOTE] > Helius is used in some rpc request as an external api service. Due to their free restrictions, refetching and polling sometimes give
429: Too many request