This repository contains all of our internal software, which includes things like:
- Manufacturing/calibration scripts
- Demos (ie teleoperation)
- Other proof-of-concepts (ie Gazebo)
- Start the control stack, ie:
# For a full robot (see README in blue_core) roslaunch blue_bringup full.launch
# For a left arm roslaunch blue_bringup left.launch
# For a right arm roslaunch blue_bringup right.launch
# For the simulator (extremely experimental) roslaunch blue_gazebo blue_world.launch
- Start the teleop nodes:
# For a full robot roslaunch blue_teleop teleop_full.launch
# For a left arm roslaunch blue_teleop teleop_left.launch
This should start copies of the inverse kinematics node, rviz teleop node, and Vive teleop node.# For a right arm roslaunch blue_teleop teleop_right.launch
- (rviz teleop) Draggable interactive markers should now appear on the
namespaces in rviz. Moving these will publish 6DOF pose targets that our IK node will attempt to reach. - (Vive teleop) Nothing more needs to be done on the ROS side to run the VR demo; it's already waiting for connections from the Unity code via rosbridge. To run the Unity side:
- Open Unity on the VR computer
- Open the "mind_meld" project
- Hit the "Play" button at the top of the window
- Make sure the controllers/headset are on and connected!
- This can be a little finicky -- double-click the "Play" button in Unity to restart everything if there are issues