Project of the course ML701 at MBZUAI. Our main motivation was to train a model using AI to learn the style of Claude Monet.
Checking the techniques, we choose to explore state of the art and find a way to compare what had better results. We used as base two repositories:
- StyleGAN:
- LapStyle:
Some of our results can be found at: Tensorboard and Results
Use the package manager pip to install the requirements. If using computers from the labs, load the module of cuda-11.1, to avoid problems with StyleGAN. Erase cache from nvcc if needed. Please move the folder:
cd /home/{username_lab}/Documents/
so you can check if it's working by seeing the different python files from original git:
ls /home/{username_lab}/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch
which nvcc
module load cuda-11.1
which nvcc
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install psutil scipy
pip install click opensimplex requests tqdm pyspng ninja imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.3
pip install opensimplex
pip install tensorboard
pip install ninja opensimplex torch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2
You can do the following step (below) and put the weights in results, or download the zip from:
OneDrive_StyleGAN_ADA or if link not working GoogleDrive_StyleGAN_ADA
and put it inside (pasting the zip and unzip there).
cd /home/{username_lab}/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch
have in mind to change the {username_lab} like
cd /home/ariana.venegas/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch
Open the Jupyter Notebooks provided for each style. If you need to run without notebooks, after being in the directory ('colab-sg2-ada-pytorch/stylegan2-ada-pytorch'). Change the username. This is the configuration of how we started our 3rd experiment:
cd /home/ariana.venegas/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch/stylegan2-ada-pytorch/
python --nkimg=0 --snap=1 --gpus=1 --cfg='24gb-gpu' --metrics=fid50k_full --outdir=./results --data='/home/ariana.venegas/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch/stylegan2-ada-pytorch/datasets/' --resume='/home/ariana.venegas/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch/stylegan2-ada-pytorch/pretrained/wikiart.pkl' --augpipe='bg' --initstrength=0 --gamma=50 --mirror=True --mirrory=False --nkimg=0
To generate images wait til 4th kimg (13 min):
python --nkimg=0 --snap=1 --gpus=1 --cfg='24gb-gpu' --metrics=fid50k_full --outdir=./results --data='/home/ariana.venegas/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch/stylegan2-ada-pytorch/datasets/' --resume='/home/ariana.venegas/Documents/colab-sg2-ada-pytorch/stylegan2-ada-pytorch/results/ID03-network-snapshot-002496.pkl' --augpipe='bg' --initstrength=0 --gamma=50 --mirror=True --mirrory=False --nkimg=0
Check results folder for the image.
Go to the following path:
cd /home/{where you clone the git}/
And run the following command to see the dashboard:
tensorboard --logdir ./
Copyright © 2021, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License.
Attribution to Derrick Schultz.
Use the package manager pip to install the requirements. If using computers from the labs, load the module of cuda-11.2, to avoid problems with LapStyle. Erase cache from nvcc if needed.
which nvcc
module load cuda-11.2
which nvcc
For smoother installation create a conda environment
conda create -n LapEnv
conda activate LapEnv
Install Jupyter Notebook if not already installed
conda install jupyter notebook
Install PaddlePaddle Framework
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.2.0.post112 -f
Set correct path to avoid any errors, replace {username_lab} with your username
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/home/{username_lab}/.conda/envs/LapEnv/lib'
Test if Paddle Paddle was installed successfully (It should take less than 1 minute to run), run a python instance
Inside the python instance run the following instructions
import paddle
A modified version of the PaddleGAN is already included in this repo
Just, ensure you are inside the "PaddleGAN" folder if not move
cd PaddleGAN
Install the PaddleGAN requirements,
pip install -v -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
If the previous commands did not work, run this one
python develop
The dataset is already included in the repo, go back to "NewLapStyle" folder and into the "dataset" folder.
cd ..
The original dataset can be found here. The dataset split is 70/30.
Unzip both files and three folders should appear
unzip “*.zip”
Go back to PaddleGAN directory
cd ../PaddleGAN
To train the model from scratch run the following commands: (Skip this section to run a pretrained model) Replace {{Previously Generated Folder by Draft}}. (1)Train the Draft Network of LapStyle under 128*128 resolution:
python -u tools/ --config-file configs/lapstyle_draft.yaml
(2) Train the Revision Network of LapStyle under 256*256 resolution:
python -u tools/ --config-file configs/lapstyle_rev_first.yaml --load 'output_dir/{{Previously Generated Folder by Draft}}/iter_30000_checkpoint.pdparams'
(3) You can train the second Revision Network under 512*512 resolution:
python -u tools/ --config-file configs/lapstyle_rev_second.yaml --load 'output_dir/{{Previously Generated Folder by First Rev}}/iter_30000_checkpoint.pdparams'
To change the style image go to the configs folder and change the name of the "style_root" property for train and test sections in the 3 config files.
To run pretrained model download the weights from: One Drive Link and put it inside (paste the zip and unzip there). There should be 3 folders with 1 pdparams file each
cd NewLapStyle/PaddleGAN/output_dir
Create a WandB account Follow the terminal instructions
pip install wandb
wandb login
Now you are ready to run the model!!
Change the parameter validate/save_img in the configuration file to true to save the output image. To test the trained model, you can directly test the "lapstyle_rev_second", since it also contains the trained weight of previous stages:
python tools/ --config-file configs/lapstyle_rev_second.yaml --evaluate-only --load 'output_dir/LongerVarSecond iter_30000_checkpoint.pdparams'
The image will be outputed in the following folder
cd NewLapStyle/PaddleGAN/output_dir
python applications/tools/ --content_img_path '../dataset/photo_jpg_train/46e84039a1.jpg' --style_image_path '../dataset/monet_jpg/82991e742a.jpg'
You can replace the content and style image:
python applications/tools/ --content_img_path ${PATH_OF_CONTENT_IMG} --style_image_path ${PATH_OF_STYLE_IMG}
Below you can find a list of dependencies:
- PaddlePaddle
- PaddleGAN
- tqdm
- PyYAML>=5.1
- scikit-image>=0.14.0
- scipy>=1.1.0
- opencv-python
- imageio==2.9.0
- imageio-ffmpeg
- librosa
- numba==0.53.1
- easydict
- munch
- natsort
- cudatoolkit
This is the model file of LapStyle, the loss functions are selected here, as well, the generators, how the forward pass and backpropagation is performed. This file was modified to be able to calculate the FID while the model is running. The functions test_iter were added to test the model for the selected metrics (currently only running FID) and to evaluate the networks. One new function per network.
Found in the following folder: NewLapStyle/PaddleGAN/ppgan/models/
Handles how the model loads the pretrained weights and saving the images in the output file. Last but not least, it handles all the laplacian pyramid functions.
Found in the following folder: NewLapStyle/PaddleGAN/ppgan/apps/
The most important file, where the following things happen:
- Training loop is executed
- Metrics are measured
- Log is printed
- WandB monitoring was added
- FID calculation for LapStyle was added
Found in the following folder: NewLapStyle/PaddleGAN/ppgan/engine/
Using pretrained InceptionV3 weights trained on ImageNet, this file calculates de FID between the style image and the stylized image. File was modified to work with LapStyle, as it was originally done for cyclegan.
Found in the following folder: NewLapStyle/PaddleGAN/ppgan/metrics/
In these files the iterations, dataset location, batch size, optimizer images and weights for content and style are selected.
Found in the following folder: NewLapStyle/PaddleGAN/configs
Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
PaddleGAN is released under the Apache 2.0 license.