An application to control your accounting made by Vue.js + Dat
# First, copy the file infra/docker-compose-sample.yml to infra/docker-compose.yml
cp infra/docker-compose-sample.yml infra/docker-compose.yml
# Open the file infra/docker-compose.yml and change parameters for your use (need to change path project and localtime path. Linux distros usually is in /etc/localtime, in macOs in /usr/share/zoneinfo/some-locality, windows i'm sorry).
sed -i 's/path\/your\/project/var\/www\/dataccounting\/newapp/' infra/docker-compose.yml
sed -i 's/path\/your\/localtime/etc\/localtime/' infra/docker-compose.yml
# Install all dependencies (not forget to change path to your project)
docker run -it --rm --user node -v /path/your/project/:/var/www/app -v /path/your/localtime:/etc/localtime node:8 yarn --cwd /var/www/app/ install --pure-lockfile
# Up containers to view project
docker-compose -f infra/docker-compose.yml up -d
# Generate build to share with Dat
docker run -it --rm --user node -v /path/your/project/:/var/www/app -v /path/your/localtime:/etc/localtime node:8 npm --prefix /var/www/app/ run build