Search for videos and playlists in YouTube WITHOUT YouTube Data API v3.
Made without using YouTube Data API v3 and any other third party library.
This library is intended for personal and non-commercial usage only.
Working as of 2020.
pip3 install youtube-search-python
Alternatively you can clone the repo, and run "Usage"
from youtubesearchpython import SearchVideos
search = SearchVideos("NoCopyrightSounds", offset = 1, mode = "json", max_results = 20)
from youtubesearchpython import SearchPlaylists
search = SearchPlaylists("NoCopyrightSounds", offset = 1, mode = "json", max_results = 20)
Consider ⭐ starring the repository. Feel free to use. It takes a lot of time to deal with the changes that YouTube makes time to time.
Currently search result returns:
- Video Link
- Video Title
- Channel Name
- Video Duration
- Video View Count
- Video ID
- Video Thumbnails
(Nearly everything that YouTube offers in its search result page.)
Feel free to open issue, if you find one.
"search_result": [
"index": 0,
"id": "mm460AbveF8",
"link": "",
"title": "Heuse & WOLFHOWL & Riell - Daylight [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "2:34",
"views": 460246,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 1,
"id": "RQ5IkSeMQbc",
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"title": "Teyeq - Demons [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "2:35",
"views": 550176,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 2,
"id": "CnekLFazlxo",
"link": "",
"title": "Wanden & Slashtaq - Better Off [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "2:18",
"views": 559398,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 3,
"id": "BG_W8Z74nG8",
"link": "",
"title": "Jim Yosef - Fall With Me [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "2:49",
"views": 866151,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 4,
"id": "ZQHcERGiinM",
"link": "",
"title": "Dark Heart - Crash Test Dummy [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "2:42",
"views": 718530,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 5,
"id": "2W3Y9KMgNw0",
"link": "",
"title": "Brook Xiao - Fire (ft. Rachel Horter) [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "2:54",
"views": 746650,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 6,
"id": "SxfSpqFWJAg",
"link": "",
"title": "Arlow - Freefall [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:16",
"views": 961281,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 7,
"id": "vIE6cuAhR4o",
"link": "",
"title": "Facading - Walk Away [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:19",
"views": 847707,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 8,
"id": "1hxGuyfAErQ",
"link": "",
"title": "BH - Holding On [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:57",
"views": 936608,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 9,
"id": "klTBagBYXpk",
"link": "",
"title": "RudeLies & Clarx - Erase [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "2:53",
"views": 1093597,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 10,
"id": "K4DyBUG242c",
"link": "",
"title": "Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:28",
"views": 358141460,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 11,
"id": "EpRJY-hI6Bs",
"link": "",
"title": "4 The Most Popular of NCS - NoCopyrightSounds | Cartoon | Disfigure | Electro-Light | Janji",
"channel": "Monster Boy Music",
"duration": "15:17",
"views": 10612191,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 12,
"id": "ABuNwLP-z9o",
"link": "",
"title": "\ud83d\udd25 Top 50 NoCopyRightSounds | Best of NCS | Most viewed ! Gaming Music | The Best of All Time | 2020",
"channel": "Freeme NCS Music",
"duration": "3:08:06",
"views": 5891447,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 13,
"id": "yJg-Y5byMMw",
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"title": "Warriyo - Mortals (feat. Laura Brehm) [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:50",
"views": 128317911,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 14,
"id": "pLZq3jgE6qA",
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"title": "Top 20 songs of Tobu - Best Of Tobu",
"channel": "Music Store",
"duration": "1:17:45",
"views": 10910877,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 15,
"id": "zyXmsVwZqX4",
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"title": "Cartoon - Why We Lose (feat. Coleman Trapp) [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:34",
"views": 147982391,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 16,
"id": "i7MtYfUhfiQ",
"link": "",
"title": "Top 20 songs of TheFatRat 2017 - TheFatRat Mega Mix",
"channel": "Music Store",
"duration": "1:14:54",
"views": 15652222,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 17,
"id": "LHvYrn3FAgI",
"link": "",
"title": "Unknown Brain - Superhero (feat. Chris Linton) [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:02",
"views": 79477622,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 18,
"id": "CLEWmT_8ppM",
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"title": "Clarx - Zig Zag [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:28",
"views": 9680739,
"thumbnails": [
"index": 19,
"id": "8Yue9YYdNLM",
"link": "",
"title": "Dirty Palm - Oblivion (feat. Micah Martin) [NCS Release]",
"channel": "NoCopyrightSounds",
"duration": "3:51",
"views": 21254046,
"thumbnails": [