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Integrating my previous Restaurant Web-app on AWS (Apache2, Python-Flask, PostgreSQL)

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My Restaurants' Catalogue (App) - Amazon Web Services

Application link:

This project is the extension of my existing project - My Restaurants' Catalogue. Built by Rahul Bethi.

It is a Web application hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) LightSail Ubuntu instance. It has a web server (Apache 2) with a database (PostgreSQL) to store and edit information about Restaurants and the food items sold in them. It also has a user system with Google and Facebook - OAuth 2.0 authentication to login and make modifications (CRUD operations) to add, edit or delete restaurants and their items.

It also has a JSON endpoint to provide restaurant details and item details.

Built using

  1. Python v3.5.2
  2. Apache v2.4.18 web server
    • mod_wsgi v4.3.0 - Apache module for WSGI compliant interface
  3. PostgreSQL v9.5.12 database server
  4. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS linux operating system
  5. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - LightSail virtual machine instance on AWS Cloud
    • Lower configuration than a AWS EC2 t2-micro instance (512MB RAM), cheaper pricing and free tier.
  6. Google, Facebook - OAuth 2.0 authentication systems
  7. HTML, CSS
  8. Other tools used while developing (not needed to build the app again):
    • Vagrant v2.0.3 virtual machine - identical to AWS instance
      • Used to test and debug the app in the local machine, before setting the app on AWS Cloud.
    • Windows 10 PC, Visual Studio Code
    • Git-bash to access AWS LightSail instance, GitHub
    • Finger, to get more information on a user.
    • DNS

Instructions to run

Setup system

  1. Get an AWS account (free tier) and create a LightSail instance with 'OS only (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)' option.
  2. Create a Static IP address from [AWS LightSail console] -> [Networking] and attach it to the instance created.
  3. Open the instance from the [AWS LightSail console] (opens in browser) or by SSH into the instance by using username ubuntu, instance's IP address and SSH private key location.
    • AWS default SSH key can be obtained from [AWS LightSail console] -> [Account] -> [SSH Keys].
  4. Create a new user and add sudo permission.
    • New user:
      • sudo useradd <new_user>
    • Add sudo permission by adding an entry in a new file at /etc/sudoers.d/<new_user>
      • <new_user> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
    • Create a new SSH key pair by running ssh-keygen on the local machine.
    • Copy the SSH public key into new user's /home/<new_user>/.ssh/authorized_keys file in the AWS instance.
      • Create the directory and file if they don't exist.
    • Change file permissions and ownership on the authorized_keys file and .ssh directory.
      sudo chmod 600 /home/<new_user>/.ssh/authorized_keys
      sudo chmod 700 /home/<new_user>/.ssh
      sudo chown <new_user> /home/<new_user>/.ssh/authorized_keys
      sudo chown <new_user> /home/<new_user>/.ssh
      sudo chgrp <new_user> /home/<new_user>/.ssh/authorized_keys
      sudo chgrp <new_user> /home/<new_user>/.ssh
    • Now, this user on AWS instance can log in from this local machine using the username, IP address of the instance and the SSH private key on the local machine.
      • ssh <new_user>@<ip_address-or-domain> -p <ssh_port> -i /private/key/location/with/file
  5. Close and login with the new user.
  6. Update the system.
    • sudo apt-get update --> Check for updates
    • sudo apt-get upgrade --> Updates system
    • If you still have packages to upgrade, use
      • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --> Updates dependencies too
  7. Modify SSH configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    • Disable Remote-root-login by changing PermitRootLogin to no
    • Disable Login-by-password by changing PasswordAuthentication to no
    • Change SSH port
      • First Allow AWS LightSail instance's Firewall to allow/deny the desired ports [AWS LightSail console] -> [Instance] -> [Networking] -> [Firewall].
      • Change Port to your desired port number in the configuration file.
    • Restart SSH sudo service sshd restart
  8. Configure Uncomplicated FireWall (UFW) to allow SSH (new port), HTTP(80) and NTP(123) ports.
    • Check status: sudo ufw status
    • sudo ufw default deny incoming --> Deny all incoming
    • sudo ufw default allow outgoing --> Allow all outgoing
    • sudo ufw allow <port#> --> Allow port
    • sudo ufw allow <port#>/<tcp-or-udp> --> Allow port on TCP or UDP
    • Allow changed SSH port and NTP using their port numbers as shown above.
    • HTTP can also be allowed by using names www or http
      • sudo ufw allow www or sudo ufw allow http
  9. Configure the Local time-zone to UTC.
    • Run sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
    • Then select [None of the above] -> [UTC]

Install software

  1. Install Apache2 web server
    • sudo apt-get install apache2
  2. Install PostgreSQL database server
    • sudo apt-get install postgresql
  3. Python 3.5.2 comes pre-installed on this instance, but not Pip. Pip is used to get python packages.
    • Install Pip: sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  4. Install Python packages
    • pip3 install flask --> Flask (micro-framework)
    • pip3 install sqlalchemy --> SQL toolkit
    • pip3 install oauth2client --> OAuth 2.0 client library
    • pip3 install psycopg2 --> PostgreSQL database adapter
    • sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 --> Apache module (WSGI)

Setup Database server

  1. Change user to postgres (default PostgreSQL user) - sudo su postgres
  2. Log into PostgreSQL server by running command: psql
  3. Create a new database user with only login permission.
        PASSWORD '<password>';
  4. Create new database with the new user as its owner.
    CREATE DATABASE <database>
        OWNER = <user>
        ENCODING = 'UTF8'tablespace
        CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;

Setup Project

  1. Clone this project into your desired directory. Goto the desired directory, then run:
    • git clone
  2. Create a new file database_secrets.json in the project root folder and fill it up with database details (user, password and database which were created earlier), as shown here.
        "postgresql": {
            "user": "<database_user>",
            "password": "<password>",
            "database": "<database_name>"
  3. To use Google OAuth 2.0 authentication, goto Google's Developers webpage and create new app (button on top).
    • Goto [Credentials] -> [Credentials] and create a new OAuth client ID. Open the client ID
      • Set Javascript Origins to http://<server_ip_address>
      • Set Redirect URIs to http://<server_ip_address>
      • Get the client secrets by clicking [Download Json] button on the top. Place this file in the project root folder and rename it to client_secrets.json.
    • Goto [Credentials] -> [OAuth consent screen] and set Email and Product Name.
  4. To use Facebook OAuth 2.0 authentication, goto Facebook's Developers webpage
    • Goto [My Apps] (top right corner) and [Add a New App].
    • Goto [Add a Product] -> [Facebook Login] -> [Set Up]
    • Goto [Facebook Login] (left) -> [Settings] and set Redirect URIs to
      • http://<server_ip_address>
    • Goto [Settings] (left) -> [Basic]
      • Copy the App ID and App Secret into a new file named fb_client_secrets.json in the project root folder. Fill it up as shown here
            "web": {
                "app_id": "<your_app_id>",
                "app_secret": "<your_app_secret>"
  5. Run file using python 3, to setup the database with necessary tabels (with rows and columns).
    • python3
  6. Run to fill the database tables with some information, this is needed for the app to work.
    • python3
    • You can modify this file or make another file by taking this file as a templete.
    • Note: Running the same file more than once without modifying, will add duplicate entries into the database.

Setup Apache web server

  1. Create a new file at /etc/apache2/sites-available/<new_conf_file>.conf and fill it up by modifying the templete file restaurants_app.conf
  2. Run command sudo a2ensite <new_conf_file>.conf to let the apache server use the new configuration file.
    • To disable a configuration file, run sudo a2dissite <conf_file>.conf
  3. Restart web server - sudo service apache2 reload


This project is the extension of the Restaurant's web app. Hosting the app onto the web using a virtual machine on the cloud is done here.

  1. A AWS LightSail virtual machine (VM) instance is setup with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS linux operating system.
  2. A Static IP is created for that instance.
  3. Domain name of the server is created using, a free Public DNS server.
    • Any domain name can be created from an IP address by appending the IP address with
    • The DNS server just redirects back the IP address.
    • I bought my own domain name and assigned my server IP address to it.
  4. A new user with is created and sudo permissions are assigned.
  5. A new pair of SSH Keys are setup and are used between the host machine and the new user in the AWS VM. Login with password is disabled on the VM.
  6. SSH port is changed as a precaution to stop attacks on the default port.
  7. AWS LightSail Firewall is configured to allow this new port.
  8. The Uncomplicated FireWall (UFW) on the VM is also setup to block all incoming ports except, the new SSH port, HTTP and NTP ports. All outgoing ports are allowed.
  9. Local time-zone is set to UTC.
  10. System is updated and all the necessary software and their packages are installed.
  11. Application is cloned into a directory using Git.
  12. PostgreSQL database server is configured by creating a new user and creating a new database with the owner of the new database being the new database. These details are stored in the database_secrets.json file, so that the app can use those details to access the database.
  13. Database is setup with necessary tables by using the username, password and database name from the database_secrets.json file.
  14. Database is then populated with some Restaurant names, item names and users.
  15. Google and Facebook app secrets are taken and stored in their respective json files. These details are used by the app to login a user using OAuth2.0 authentication.
  16. Apache web server is configured by adding the app's apache configuration into the server's configuration folder. Then the server is updated with the new configuration file. Restart the server to take effect.

This makes the app run at http://<your_domain_name>. Or if you don't have a domain name, just use DNS, http://<server_ip_address>

Address to my hosted app:

Screenshots of all the pages are located in Screenshots folder.


  1. Udacity - Full Stack nano degree course
  2. Udemy - AWS Developer Associate course
  3. Google OAuth2 docs
  4. Facebook OAuth2 docs
  5. SSH configuration
  6. SSH Keygen docs
  7. UFW configuration
  8. Apache configuration
  9. Apache mod_wsgi configuration
  10. PostgreSQL docs
  11. sudo docs
  12. apt-get docs
  13. chmod docs

Contact me



Phone: +1 (361) 336-7752


Integrating my previous Restaurant Web-app on AWS (Apache2, Python-Flask, PostgreSQL)






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