GPT-4 conditioning Stable Diffusion through automatic pose image generations based on body pose descriptions.
DISCLAIMER: This is experimental and currently in development. GPT-4 gives the best result for this task. Be careful about API consumption.
Input a body description like:
"A person sitting in a chair with his left hand up, and the right hand over his leap. His head is straight and has a crossed leg over the other."
And get the pose image proposed by GPT:
You can then use that pose image reference along with ControlNet in Stable Diffusion to generate conditioned pictures.
This is useful when you want to ilustrate a story and you don't know it before hand, therefore the character's posture is also unknown, so you can ask ChatGPT to imagine it, input the body pose description to gptpose
and get the corresponding pose image template, allowing you to automatically have the assets and build an end-to-end AI powered workflow for image generation using Stable Diffusion along with ControlNet.
Note: The more detailed the pose description, the better the result.
Run the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
Which will create a conda env called gptpose-dev
Inside the env, run the following command:
gptpose -d "[body_pose_description]" -o "[output_path]/[filename].png" -n "[GPT_model_name]"
Refer to models for the name.