Did you know that women of all races earn 82 cents for every $1 earned by men of all races? Did you know women are less likely to initiate salary negotiations than men? Did you know male and female coworkers are less interested in working with women who attempted to negotiate a better salary than they were with men who tried to negotiate a better salary? 😳
As coding bootcamp graduates and women/nonbinary people, we've entered a new industry and salary packages/negotiations may be new to us. By anonymously sharing information and being transparent regarding salary offers we've received, we can all work to lift each other up and close the wage gap 💪 . Enter Share My Numbers.
Share My Numbers is an app that allows coding bootcamp graduates to share their offers anonymously. To create this app, I used React, Firebase, and React Bootstrap.
Check out the site here or view the demo!
cd <directory you want to download to>
git clone https://github.com/betsyg6/ShareMyNumbers.git
npm install
touch .env
setup firebase db. input secrets into .env file (no quotations):
npm start
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.