Facebook pixel tracking component for Svelte.
$ npm install --save-dev @beyonk/svelte-facebook-pixel
<FacebookPixel pixels={[ 'ABC123', '123ABC' ]} />
import FacebookPixel from '@beyonk/svelte-facebook-pixel'
You can import FacebookPixel component whenever and wherever you want, the facebook tracking code is only initialised in the first instance.
Simply call the track mehtod:
<FacebookPixel />
import { FacebookPixel, fb } from '@beyonk/svelte-facebook-pixel'
import { onMount } from 'svelte
onMount(() => {
fb.track('SomeEvent', { some: 'data' })
You can have multiple pixels on a page, for instance, if you need a backup pixel, or if you want to send different events to different pixels.
<!-- __layout.svelte -->
<FacebookPixel />
import { FacebookPixel, fb } from '@beyonk/svelte-facebook-pixel'
import { onMount } from 'svelte
onMount(() => {
fb.track('SomeEvent', { some: 'data' })
<!-- page.svelte -->
import { fb } from '@beyonk/svelte-facebook-pixel'
onMount(() => {
fb.track('AnotherEvent', { some: 'data' })
By default all pixels are initialised with init()
, and events will be sent to all pixels, however, you can send tracking events to indiviual pixels if you would like:
You can send tracking events to all pixels just as you would with a single pixel:
fb.track('SomeEvent', { some: 'data' })
If you have multiple pixels on your page and want to send an event to only one of them use trackSingle
and pass the pixel's ID as the first argument:
fb.trackSingle('ABC123', 'SomeEvent', { some: 'data' })
If you'd like to install the pixel disabled, and enable it later after the user has consented to its use, you can do so by setting enabled: false
in the pixel configuration:
<FacebookPixel enabled={false} />
Now, in your component, you can call the following in order to start the pixel and track the current page.
<FacebookPixel bind:this={_fb} {enabled} />
import { fb } from '@beyonk/svelte-facebook-pixel'
let _fb = null
let enabled = false
onMount(() => {
enabled = true
Thanks to William DASILVA for his original Nuxt facebook pixel module which inspired this project.