Simple web back-end written in TypeScript.
The demo will include:
Setting up the project
Initializing Node.js modules for Express.js development using TypeScript
Basic webserver with Express, with Clean Architecture structure
Organizing your code into separate module units, each having one responsibility
Connecting to databases with ORM
Use ORM to simplify modeling database data in our code
Protect private resources with industry standard strategies.
(TODO) Other advanced concepts
Write tests to help catch bugs before deployment
This demo back-end app will be a clipboard/text sharing service.
It support basic CRUD operations, as well as authorizations and user groups.
I will try to make it use both in-memory cache, Redis store, and a SQL database.
Code is organized following the clean architecture mindset.
The HTTP APIs are not yet stable, so they are not documented.
Code style guide, for convention
✅ Do: use types
❌ Don't: use types