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Releases: bgruening/docker-galaxy

24.2 Galaxy release

25 Feb 21:57
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What's Changed

Please see the full 24.2 release notes for more details.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 24.1...24.2

release 24.1

14 Nov 12:55
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After a long pause, due to interesting times at the beginning of the "golden 2020s", we are finally back with release 24.1. Many things have changed in Galaxy. It is deployed completely differently and gained many new features with many new dependencies. We recommend starting with a fresh /export folder and contacting us if you encounter any problems.

Thanks to @jyotipm29 we are back on track 😄

For a list of changes, see the Changelog.

release 20.09

18 Apr 10:42
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release 20.05

30 Jun 12:08
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release 19.09

08 Feb 11:15
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  • This is featuring the latest and greatest from the Galaxy community

Galaxy Docker Image 19.05.1

14 Nov 08:46
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  • Switch back to /bin/bash as default shell for galaxy user

Galaxy Docker Image 19.05

06 Oct 17:32
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  • The image is now based on ubuntu:18.04 (instead of ubuntu:14.04 previously) and PostgreSQL 11.5 (9.3 previously).
    See migration documention to migrate the postgresql database from 9.3 to 11.5.
  • We stopped supporting old Galaxy tool dependencies. If you have an old installation (/export directory) things will still work
  • The compose version will not be useable during the 19.05 release as we have major refactoring to do. Please check out the 19.01 tag for the time being.

Galaxy Docker Image 19.01

27 Feb 18:31
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  • This is featuring the latest and greatest from the Galaxy community
  • Please note that this release will be the last release which is based on ubuntu:14.04 and PostgreSQL 9.3. We will migrate to ubuntu:18.04 and a newer PostgreSQL version in 19.05. Furthermore, we will not support old Galaxy tool dependencies.

The Anthony Bretaudeau release

12 Feb 13:16
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Anthony Bretaudeau (@abretaud) added the following features to the startup script.

  • update most of the config sample files during startup
  • update the database (only if the new GALAXY_AUTO_UPDATE_DB is set)
  • update all tools from the flavor yml list(s) (only if the path to yml file(s) is provided with the new GALAXY_AUTO_UPDATE_TOOLS var)
  • update conda installed in /export/tool_deps (only if the new GALAXY_AUTO_UPDATE_CONDA is set)

Galaxy Docker Image 18.09

21 Dec 23:28
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  • new and more powerful orchestration build script ( by @pcm32
  • a lot of bug-fixes to the compose setup by @abretaud
  • and of course a great Galaxy release