[API no longer supported]
The purpose of this project is to create a visalization of COVID-19 stats for 100+ countries in a graph format consiting of 3 plots (total cases, recovered, and deaths). I also decided to take this oppurtinty to learn how to fetch data from an API using JavaScript.
- The main compenent of the program was written in JavaScript. Using geolocation, this would first get the current location of the user to further display stats of their current country. JavaScript was also used to fetch data from an API to furthermore display data for the various country.
- RapidAPI was the open source API provider for this project.
- HTML5 was used to create the webpage and CSS3 was used to style it.
- when you first open this program it will get your location and display current stats of your country
- choose another country whose stats you are interest to look at (either scroll through the list of option or search the name of the country)
- the plots will then be formed for the various country showcasing their numbers for total cases, total recovered, and total deaths
- make it responsive
- create a mobile application