Library for bHaptics Haptic Devices
bHaptics Player has to be installed (window) and running.
- Open samples/simple/index.html directory in browser (Example code)
- Install via npm
npm install tact-js
- Import library
import tactJs from 'tact-js'
- Checking connection status between the bHaptics Player and your application
- Connection Status: Connected | Disconnected | Connecting
tactJs.addListener(function(msg) {
if (msg.status === 'Connected') {
} else if (msg.status === 'Disconnected') {
} else if (msg.status === 'Connecting') {
- Dot Mode - submitDot()
- key: string;
- position: 'VestFront' | 'VestBack' | 'Head' | 'ForearmL' | 'ForearmR' | 'GloveL' | 'GloveR'
- points: array of object with (index, intensity)
- index: [0, 19]
- intensity: [1, 100]
- durationMillis: [50, 10000]
Return Type: ErrorCode
var key = 'dot';
var position = 'VestFront'
var points = [{
index : 10,
intensity : 100
var durationMillis = 1000; // 1000ms
var errorCode = tactJs.submitDot(key, position, points, durationMillis);
- PathMode - submitPath()
- key: string;
- position: 'VestFront' | 'VestBack' | 'Head' | 'ForearmL' | 'ForearmR' | 'GloveL' | 'GloveR'
- points: array of object with (x, y, intensity)
- x: [0, 1]
- y: [0, 1]
- intensity: [1, 100]
- durationMillis: [50, 10000]
Return Type: ErrorCode
var key = 'dot';
var position = 'VestFront'
var points = [{
x : 0.5,
y : 0.5,
intensity : 100
var durationMillis = 1000; // 1000ms
var errorCode = tactJs.submitPath(key, position, points, durationMillis);
3.1. Tact File - registerFile()
- You need to registerFile, before calling submitRegistered(), submitRegisteredWithRotationOption() and submitRegisteredWithScaleOption()
- key: string;
- tactFile: provided *.tact file
var key = 'key';
var tactFile = '{"project":{"createdAt":1583739337216,"description":"","layout":{"layouts":{"For...' // tact file string
var errorCode = tactJs.registerFile(key, tactFile);
3.2. Tact File - submitRegistered()
- key: string;
Return Type: ErrorCode
var errorCode = tactJs.submitRegistered(key);
3.3. Tact File - submitRegisteredWithRotationOption()
This function only works with Tactot(Vest) haptic pattern.
- key: string;
- object with (offsetAngleX, offsetY)
- offsetAngleX: [0, 360]
- offsetY: [-0.5, 0.5]
Return Type: ErrorCode
var key = 'key';
var rotationOption = {offsetAngleX: 180, offsetY: 0.2};
var errorCode = tactJs.submitRegisteredWithRotationOption(key, rotationOption);
3.4. Tact File - submitRegisteredWithScaleOption()
- key: string;
- object with (intensity, duration)
- intensity: [0.2, 5]
- duration: [0.2, 5]
Return Type: ErrorCode
var key = 'key';
var scaleOption = {intensity: 1, duration: 1};
var errorCode = tactJs.submitRegisteredWithScaleOption(key, scaleOption);
- 2: CONNECTION_NOT_ESTABLISHED - Check if the bhaptics player is running or not
- 5: MESSAGE_INVALID_DURATION_MILLIS - durationMillis [20ms~100,000ms]
- 6: MESSAGE_INVALID_DOT_INDEX_HEAD - index should be [0, 5]
- 7: MESSAGE_INVALID_DOT_INDEX_ARM - index should be [0, 5]
- 8: MESSAGE_INVALID_DOT_INDEX_VEST - index should be [0, 19]
- 9: MESSAGE_INVALID_INTENSITY - intensity should be [0, 100]
- 10: MESSAGE_INVALID_X - x should be [0, 1]
- 11: MESSAGE_INVALID_Y - y should be [0, 1]
- 12: MESSAGE_INVALID_ROTATION_X - rotationOffsetX should be [0, 360]
- 13: MESSAGE_INVALID_ROTATION_Y - offsetY should be [-0.5, 0.5]
- 14: MESSAGE_INVALID_SCALE_INTENSITY_RATIO - intensityRatio should be [0.2, 5]
- 15: MESSAGE_INVALID_SCALE_DURATION_RATIO - durationRatio should be [0.2, 5]
- 16: MESSAGE_NOT_REGISTERED_KEY - key not registered