A simple alots sms gateway implementation for Laravel 5.|6.|7.*
For more information please visit:- https://www.alots.in/
First, you'll need to install the package via Composer:
$ composer require bhavinjr/laravel-alots
If you are don't use using Laravel 5.5.* Then, update config/app.php
by adding an entry for the service provider.
'providers' => [
// ...
'aliases' => [
"Alots": "Bhavinjr\Alots\Facades\Alots",
In command line paste this command:
php artisan config:cache
In command line again, publish the default configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bhavinjr\Alots\Providers\AlotsServiceProvider"
In command line paste this command:
php artisan migrate
Configuration was designed to be as flexible.
global configuration can be set in the config/alots.php
return [
'table_names' => [
'messages' => 'alots_messages',
after update config/alots.php
php artisan config:cache
The package gives you the following methods to use:
Send sms is really simple
you need specify mobile_number and sms_text respectively all parameter are compulsory
Alots::simpleSms('9876543210', 'test sms');
Send unicode sms
Alots::unicodeSms('9876543210', 'test sms');
You can schedule sms
Alots::scheduleSms('9876543210', 'test sms', '01012020-1010AM');
Send sms using group
you need specify group_id and sms_text respectively all parameter are compulsory
Alots::groupSms('123', 'test sms');
To check sms delivery status.
you need specify message_id
To check available sms/credit limit.