YYJSON is a convenient wrapper around yyjson library for reading and parsing JSON documents and provides its own parser implementation.
Feature | Description |
Performance | Able to read gigabytes of JSON document per second. |
Flexibility | The library wraps a lot of methods of the original library, which allows you to make your own implementation of JSON reader /parser /(de)serializer . |
Parser | Provides its own parser implementation using yyjson tools. |
To install YYJSON, simply use the Julia package manager:
] add YYJSON
A small example of parsing the returned result from a ticker request:
using YYJSON
json = """
julia> parse_json(json)
Dict{String, Any} with 5 entries:
"retExtInfo" => Dict{String, Any}()
"time" => "2024-03-25T19:05:38.912999936"
"retCode" => 0
"retMsg" => "OK"
"result" => Dict{String, Any}("v"=>1.78084e7, "ap"=>0.6636, "o"=>0.6337, ...)
Lazy parsing enables more efficient value retrieval compared to regular parsing:
using YYJSON
json = read("assets/exchange_info.json", String)
function test_full_parse(json)
parsed = parse_json(json)
return parsed["symbols"][1]["filters"][1]["filterType"]
function test_lazy_parse(json)
parse_lazy_json(json) do lazy_parsed
return lazy_parsed["symbols"][1]["filters"][1]["filterType"]
julia> @time test_full_parse(json)
0.000245 seconds (2.89 k allocations: 203.727 KiB)
julia> @time test_lazy_parse(json)
0.000041 seconds (10 allocations: 448 bytes)
Contributions to YYJSON are welcome! If you encounter a bug, have a feature request, or would like to contribute code, please open an issue or a pull request on GitHub.