Library for parsing movie and tv show info from torrent names
- Amazon
- Audio
- Audio Channels
- Bit Depth
- Blurred
- Codec
- Complete
- Container
- Dolby Atmos
- Dubbed
- Episode
- Extended
- Group
- Hard Coded
- Is3D
- MultipleLanguages
- Name
- Netflix
- Proper
- Quality
- Region
- Remastered
- Remux
- Repack
- Resolution
- Season
- ThreeDFormat
- Title
- TrueHD
- Website
- Year
Torrent Title Parser can be installed via nuget package manager
PM> Install-Package TorrentTitleParser
OR via the .NET CLI
> dotnet add package TorrentTitleParser
Simply create a new torrent object and pass the torrent title and all available properties will be parsed
var torrent = new Torrent("Men in Black International 2019 1080p WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO");
torrent = {
Title = "Men in Black International,
Year = 2019,
Resolution = "1080p",
Quality = "WEB-DL",
Codec = "H264",
Audio = "AC3",
Group = "EVO"