GetMeThat is a web portal for employees to request trivial services (like Tea, Coffee) to errand boys, in an office/ organization. Each of the employees and errand boys have their own account on the portal. There is also an admin account, who can add/remove services and accounts of employees and errand boys.
Admin logs in with his account, and can add services and Employees/Errand Boys to the database. (When admin adds a user, the username/password of that user becomes his full name (spaces removed), eg if Name="Mark Charles", his username, password would be: MarkCharles)
Employees can log in with their account and request services and view their pending services. The errand boy which has the least jobs assigned, get this new job.
Errand boys can view their jobs assigned to them, and by whom. After granting the job, they click on the 'check' button of that job.
After a job is granted by the errand boy, the employee can now 'check' and accept that job. Thus a job process is complete.
The assigining, granting and accepting of jobs change in real time.
Role | Username | Password |
Admin | bhrigu | bhrigu |
Employee | ashish | ashish |
Errand Boy | anshuman | anshuman |
Errand Boy | puneet | puneet |
(You can visit /admin to tweak around the entries in the database for testing purposes)