For this exploratpry data science project, I downloaded my own spotify streaming history and tried to get different inferences and useful information I can get about my usage. I used python programming along with python libraries like numpy, pandas, matplotlib and seaborn. My codes are written in jupyter notebook and I explained all the steps with specific details.
- Importing the data
- Merging the data
- Cleaning and Formatting
- Unique/ Non-Unique Artist
- Top 10 Artists
- Top 10 Songs
- Day/Weekly Usage
- How many hours did I spent on Spotify Streaming since the day I signed up for it?
- What is the average numbers of songs I played daily ?
- Who are my favourite 100 Artist ?
- What are My Favourite 100 Songs ?
- How my usgae varies over a week?
- Most Usage ( Active usage in a day over a week) ?
I have spent almost 369 hours streaming on spotify till now.
Dataset :
- Spotify Help :
- Spotify Help :
Tools Used :
- Jovian Course :