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Helper library for building and running advanced and dynamic queries using JPA in Spring Boot.


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JPA Search Helper

Library for building and running advanced and dynamic queries using JPA in Spring Boot.


Key features

  • Queries: the library supports two modes for building advanced and dynamic queries:
    • Mode 1: Via Map<String, String>, to support GET endpoints with query params.
    • Mode 2: Via an object, to support POST endpoints that expect query parameters in the body (from 2.0.0 version)
  • Projection: for both modes, the library allows you to extract only a subselection of fields from the query (from 3.2.0 version)


Through jpa-search-helper your controller* will be able to receive requests like this:

Mode 1:

curl -X GET \
  &address_eq=Via Roma 1,Via Milano/,1,20 West/,34th Street

Mode 2:

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
  "filter" : {
      "operator": "and", // the first filter must contain a root operator: AND, OR or NOT
      "filters" : [
          "operator": "eq",
          "key": "firstName",
          "value": "Biagio"
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "startsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "Toz",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true
              "operator": "endsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "ZZI",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true,
                "trim" : true
          "operator": "in",
          "key": "",
          "values": ["Microsoft", "Apple", "Google"]
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "gte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "19910101"
              "operator": "lte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "20010101"
          "operator": "between",
          "key" : "company.employees",
          "values": [500, 5000],
          "options": {
            "negate": true
  "options": {
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageOffset": 0,
    "sortKey": "birthDate",
    "sortDesc": false
}' '' you do it? Read this readme!

* Please note: the library does not expose controllers/HTTP Endpoints, but only offers the repository that will build and execute the queries.

Compatibility Matrix

Minimum requirements

  • Java 17 or later
  • Spring Boot 3.2.x or later
JPA Search Helper Spring Boot Java
[v0.0.1 - v2.1.1] 3.2.x [17 - 24]
[v3.0.0 - v3.2.2] 3.3.x [17 - 24]
[v3.3.0 - latest] 3.4.x [17 - 24]

Project dependency




implementation 'app.tozzi:jpa-search-helper:3.4.3

Queries - Usage

1. @Searchable annotation

Start by applying the @Searchable annotation to the fields in your Domain Model, or alternatively your JPA entity, that you want to make available for search. If you have fields that you want to make searchable within other objects then annotate these with @NestedSearchable.

public class Person {

  private String firstName;

  private String lastName;

  @Searchable(entityFieldKey = "dateOfBirth")
  private Date birthDate;

  private String country;
  private String fillerOne;
  private String fillerTwo;

  private Company company;

  public static class Company {

    @Searchable(entityFieldKey= "")
    private String name;

    @Searchable(entityFieldKey= "companyEntity.employeesCount")
    private int employees;

The annotation allows you to specify:

  • Core properties:

    • entityFieldKey: the name of the field defined on the entity bean (not to be specified if using the annotation on the entity bean). If not specified the key will be the field name.

    • targetType: the managed object type by entity. If not specified the librariy tries to obtain it based on field type (es. Integer field without target type definition will be INTEGER). If there is no type compatible with those managed, it will be managed as a string. Managed types:

  • Validation properties:

    • maxSize, minSize: maximum/minimum length of the value.
    • maxDigits, minDigits: only for numeric types. Maximum/minimum number of digits.
    • regexPattern: regex pattern.
    • decimalFormat: only for decimal numeric types. Default #.##
  • Other:

    • sortable: if false, the field can be used by search but cannot be used for sorting. Default: true.
    • trim: apply trim.
    • tags: useful if the Domain Model field can correspond to multiple entity fields (the example is available further down).
    • allowedFilters: exclusively allowed filters.
    • notAllowedFilters: not allowed filters.
    • likeFilters: allowed like filters (contains, startsWith, endsWith). Default: true.
    • ordinalEnum: only for ENUM type; true if search via ordinal

Continuing the example, our entity classes:

public class PersonEntity {

  private Long id;

  @Column(name = "FIRST_NAME")
  private String firstName;

  @Column(name = "LAST_NAME")
  private String lastName;

  @Column(name = "BIRTH_DATE")
  private Date dateOfBirth;

  @Column(name = "COUNTRY")
  private String country;

  @Column(name = "FIL_ONE")
  private String fillerOne;

  @Column(name = "FIL_TWO")
  private String fillerTwo;

  private CompanyEntity companyEntity;


public class CompanyEntity {

  private Long id;

  @Column(name = "NAME")
  private String name;

  @Column(name = "COUNT")
  private Integer employeesCount;


2. JPASearchRepository interface

Your Spring JPA repository must extend JPASearchRepository<YourEntityClass>.

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<PersonEntity, Long>, JPASearchRepository<PersonEntity> {


3. Search implementation

In your manager, or in your service, or wherever you want to use the repository:

Mode 1: define a map <filter_key#options, value>:

// ...

  private PersonRepository personRepository;

  public List<Person> advancedSearch() {
	// Pure example, in real use case it is expected that these filters can be passed directly by the controller
    Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<>();
    filters.put("firstName_eq", "Biagio");
    filters.put("lastName_startsWith#i", "Toz"); // ignore case
    filters.put("birthDate_gte", "19910101"); 
    filters.put("country_in", "IT,FR,DE");
    filters.put("company.name_eq#n", "Bad Company"); // negation
    filters.put("company.employees_between", "500,5000");
    filters.put("fillerOne_null#n", "true"); // not null
    filters.put("fillerTwo_empty", "true"); // empty
    // Without pagination
    List<PersonEntity> fullSearch = personRepository.findAll(filters, Person.class);
    filters.put("birthDate_sort" : "ASC"); // sorting key and sorting order
    filters.put("_limit", "10"); // page size
    filters.put("_offset", "0"); // page offset
    // With pagination
    Page<PersonEntity> sortedAndPaginatedSearch = personRepository.findAllWithPaginationAndSorting(filters, Person.class);
    // ...

// ...

Mode 2: instead of a map, you will need to use JPASearchInput, shown here, for simplicity, in JSON format.

  "filter" : {
      "operator": "and", // the first filter must contain a root operator: AND, OR or NOT
      "filters" : [
          "operator": "eq",
          "key": "firstName",
          "value": "Biagio"
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "startsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "Toz",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true
              "operator": "endsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "ZZI",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true,
                "trim" : true
          "operator": "in",
          "key": "",
          "values": ["Microsoft", "Apple", "Google"]
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "gte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "19910101"
              "operator": "lte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "20010101"
          "operator": "empty",
          "key": "fillerOne",
          "options": {
            "negate": true
          "operator": "between",
          "key" : "company.employees",
          "values": [500, 5000],
          "options": {
            "negate": true
  "options": {
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageOffset": 0,
    "sortKey": "birthDate",
    "sortDesc": false

Through Mode 2 it is possible to manage complex filters with AND, OR and NOT (see later).


  • If a field does not exist, is not searchable or is not sortable, you will receive an InvalidFieldException.
  • If the value of a field does not meet the requirements you will receive an InvalidValueException.
  • Other cases: JPASearchException

Queries - Docs

Managed root operators

Filter name Library Key Supported modes
AND and 1, 2
OR or 2
NOT not 2

Through Mode 1, all filters compose exclusively an AND search.

To use the other operators, OR and NOT, you must use Mode 2

Managed search filter operators

Filter name Library Key SQL Supported modes Value required
Equals eq sql_col = val 1,2 yes
Contains contains sql_col LIKE '%val%' 1,2 yes
In in sql_col IN (val1, val2, ..., valN) 1,2 yes
Starts With startsWith sql_col LIKE 'val%' 1,2 yes
Ends With endsWith sql_col LIKE '%val' 1,2 yes
Greater Than gt sql_col > val 1,2 yes
Greater Than or Equal gte sql_col >= val 1,2 yes
Less Than lt sql_col < val 1,2 yes
Less Than or Equal lte sql_col <= val 1,2 yes
Between between sql_col BETWEEN val1 AND val2 1,2 yes
Null null sql_col IS NULL 1,2 no
Empty empty sql_collection_col IS NULL 1,2 no


Mode 1

Option description Library Key
Ignore case #i
Negation #n
Trim #t

The option keys must be appended to the filter; e.g. ?firstName_eq#i=Biagio or ?firstName_eq#i#n=Biagio

Mode 2

Option description Library Key (Java attributes)
Ignore case ignoreCase
Negation negate
Trim trim

For each filter it is possible to define options

  // ...
         "operator": "eq",
         "key": "firstName",
         "value": "Biagio",
         "options": {
           "ignoreCase": true,
           "trim": false,
           "negate": true
  // ...

Java object:

public static class JPASearchFilterOptions {  
 private boolean ignoreCase;  
 private boolean trim;  
 private boolean negate;  


Filter name Key Fixed values
Limit (page size) limit
Offset (page number) offset
Sort sort ASC, DESC

Mode 1: e.g. ?firstName_sort=DESC&_limit=10&_offset=0

Mode 2: value root options:

  "filter" : {
    // ...
  "options" : {
    "sortKey": "firstName",
    "sortDesc": true,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageOffset": 1

Java object:

public static class JPASearchOptions {
    private String sortKey;
    private Boolean sortDesc = false;
    private Integer pageSize;
    private Integer pageOffset;
    private List<String> selections;

Other (only for Mode 1)

  • Separator for array values: ,: e.g. ?myField_in=test1,test2 --> values to search for: ["test1", "test2"]
  • To escape separator: /,: e.g. ?myField_in=test1,test2/,test3 --> values to search for: ["test1", "test2,test3"]

Projection - Usage

1. @Projectable annotation

Start by applying the @Projectable annotation to the fields in your Domain Model, or alternatively your JPA entity, that you want to make available for selection. If you have fields that you want to make selectable within other objects then annotate these with @NestedProjectable.

public class Person {

  private String firstName;

  private String lastName;

  @Projectable(entityFieldKey = "dateOfBirth")
  @Searchable(entityFieldKey = "dateOfBirth")
  private Date birthDate;

  private String country;
  private String fillerOne;
  private String fillerTwo;

  private Company company;

  public static class Company {

    @Searchable(entityFieldKey= "")
    private String name;
	@Projectable(entityFieldKey= "companyEntity.employeesCount")
    @Searchable(entityFieldKey= "companyEntity.employeesCount")
    private int employees;

The annotation allows you to specify:

  • Core properties:

    • entityFieldKey: the name of the field defined on the entity bean (not to be specified if using the annotation on the entity bean). If not specified the key will be the field name.

2. JPASearchRepository interface

Your Spring JPA repository must extend JPAProjectionRepository<YourEntityClass>.

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<PersonEntity, Long>, JPASearchRepository<PersonEntity>, JPAProjectionRepository<PersonEntity> {  

3. Projection implementation

In your manager, or in your service, or wherever you want to use the repository:

Mode 1: define (or add to the map used for the Mode 1 search) a map:

  • key: selections
  • value: the only fields that you want to extract separated by commas ,
// ...

  private PersonRepository personRepository;

  public List<Person> advancedSearch() {
    // Pure example, in real use case it is expected that these filters can be passed directly by the controller
    Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<>();
    filters.put("firstName_eq", "Biagio");
    filters.put("lastName_startsWith#i", "Toz"); // ignore case
    filters.put("birthDate_gte", "19910101"); 
    filters.put("country_in", "IT,FR,DE");
    filters.put("company.name_eq#n", "Bad Company"); // negation
    filters.put("company.employees_between", "500,5000");
    filters.put("fillerOne_null#n", "true"); // not null
    filters.put("fillerTwo_empty", "true"); // empty

    // Selections
    filters.put("selections", "lastName,birthDate,company.employees");
    // Without sorting
    List<Map<String, Object>> result = personRepository.projection(filters, Person.class, PersonEntity.class);
    filters.put("birthDate_sort" : "ASC"); // sorting key and sorting order
    // With sorting
    List<Map<String, Object>> sortedAndPaginatedSearch = personRepository.projectionWithSorting(filters, Person.class, PersonEntity.class);
    // ... convert the list of maps into your model

// ...

Mode 2: instead of a map, you will need to use JPASearchInput, shown here, for simplicity, in JSON format.

  "filter" : {
      "operator": "and", // the first filter must contain a root operator: AND, OR or NOT
      "filters" : [
          "operator": "eq",
          "key": "firstName",
          "value": "Biagio"
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "startsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "Toz",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true
              "operator": "endsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "ZZI",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true,
                "trim" : true
          "operator": "in",
          "key": "",
          "values": ["Microsoft", "Apple", "Google"]
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "gte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "19910101"
              "operator": "lte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "20010101"
          "operator": "empty",
          "key": "fillerOne",
          "options": {
            "negate": true
          "operator": "between",
          "key" : "company.employees",
          "values": [500, 5000],
          "options": {
            "negate": true
  "options": {
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageOffset": 0,
    "sortKey": "birthDate",
    "sortDesc": false,
    "selections" : [

For both modes, the projection will return a List<Map<String, Object>> result where the map structure and keys will reflect the entity structure (to be clear toJson(entityList) == toJson(mapList))

Note 1:

Be careful: the default projection forces all Join relationships as LEFT JOIN. If you don't want this behavior, choose to use the repository methods (methods with 'Classic' suffix) that allow you to possibly modify only the relations you want to modify

Note 2:

Projection, regardless of whether you want it or not, will always extract the fields that represent the primary keys of an entity (or related entities)

Note 3:

Pagination is not supported


  • If a field does not exist, is not searchable, is not sortable or is not projectable, you will receive an InvalidFieldException.
  • Other cases: JPASearchException

Advanced Settings

Join Fetch

It is possible to force joins with fetch to allow Hibernate (or your JPA framework) to execute a single query for the relationships defined on the entity. This is only possible without pagination:

// ...

Map<String, JoinFetch> fetches = Map.of("companyEntity", JoinFetch.LEFT);
personRepository.findAll(filters, Person.class, fetches);

// ...

Multiple entities for the same Domain Model

If you have a Domain Model that is the result of the conversion of multiple entities, it is possible to explicitly specify a map (string, string) whose key represents the name of the Domain Model field and the value is the name of the field of the entity to be searched for:

// ...

Map<String, String> entityFieldMap = Map.of("company", "");

// Without pagination
personRepository.findAll(filters, Person.class, fetches, entityFieldMap);

// With pagination
personRepository.findAllWithPaginationAndSorting(filters, Person.class, entityFieldMap);

// ...

Multiple object for the same entity

Another special case could be where an object can be repeated within the Domain Model to represent multiple pieces of the entity. The solution for the search:

public class CoupleEntity {

  private Long id;

  @Column(name = "p1_fn")
  private String p1FirstName;

  @Column(name = "p1_ln")
  private String p1LastName;

  @Column(name = "p2_fn")
  private String p2FirstName;

  @Column(name = "p2_ln")
  private String p2LastName;

public class Couple {

  private Person p1;

  private Person p2;

  public static class Person {

    @Searchable(tags = {
            @Tag(fieldKey = "p1.firstName", entityFieldKey = "p1FirstName"),
            @Tag(fieldKey = "p2.firstName", entityFieldKey = "p2FirstName"),
    private String firstName;

    @Searchable(tags = {
            @Tag(fieldKey = "p1.lastName", entityFieldKey = "p1LastName"),
            @Tag(fieldKey = "p2.lastName", entityFieldKey = "p2LastName"),
    private String lastName;
curl - request GET 
 - url '

Spring Boot Project example with HTTP Endpoint

Please note: this library does not expose any endpoints and therefore no controllers. An example project, exhaustive and complete, is available here.

Mode 1


public class PersonController {

  private PersonManager personManager;

  @GetMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public List<Person> findPersons(@RequestParam Map<String, String> requestParams) {
    return personManager.find(requestParams);
  @GetMapping(path="/projection", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public List<Person> projection(@RequestParam Map<String, String> requestParams) {
    return personManager.projection(requestParams);

Service/Manager bean:

public class PersonManager {

  private PersonRepository personRepository;

  public List<Person> find(Map<String, String> filters) {
    return personRepository.findAllWithPaginationAndSorting(filters, Person.class).stream().map(this::toModel).toList();
  public List<Person> projection(Map<String, String> filters) {
    return personRepository.projection(filters, Person.class, PersonEntity.class).stream().map(this::toModel).toList();

  private static Person toModel(PersonEntity personEntity) {
    // ...
  private static Person toModel(Map<String, Object> entityMap) {
    // ...



curl - X GET 


curl - X GET 

Mode 2


public class PersonController {

  private PersonManager personManager;

  @PostMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public List<Person> findPersons(@Valid @RequestBody JPASearchInput input) {
    return personManager.find(input);

@PostMapping(path="/projection", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public List<Person> projection(@Valid @RequestBody JPASearchInput input) {
    return personManager.projection(input);

Service/Manager bean:

public class PersonManager {

  private PersonRepository personRepository;

  public List<Person> find(JPASearchInput input) {
    return personRepository.findAllWithPaginationAndSorting(input, Person.class).stream().map(this::toModel).toList();
  public List<Person> find(JPASearchInput input) {
    return personRepository.projection(input, Person.class, PersonEntity.class).stream().map(this::toModel).toList();

  private static Person toModel(PersonEntity entity) {
    // ...
  private static Person toModel(Map<String, Object> entityMap) {
    // ...



curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
  "filter" : {
      "operator": "and", // the first filter must contain a root operator: AND, OR or NOT
      "filters" : [
          "operator": "eq",
          "key": "firstName",
          "value": "Biagio"
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "startsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "Toz",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true
              "operator": "endsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "ZZI",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true,
                "trim" : true
          "operator": "in",
          "key": "",
          "values": ["Microsoft", "Apple", "Google"]
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "gte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "19910101"
              "operator": "lte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "20010101"
          "operator": "between",
          "key" : "company.employees",
          "values": [500, 5000],
          "options": {
            "negate": true
  "options": {
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageOffset": 0,
    "sortKey": "birthDate",
    "sortDesc": false
}' 'http://localhost:8080/persons'


curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
  "filter" : {
      "operator": "and", // the first filter must contain a root operator: AND, OR or NOT
      "filters" : [
          "operator": "eq",
          "key": "firstName",
          "value": "Biagio"
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "startsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "Toz",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true
              "operator": "endsWith",
              "key": "lastName",
              "value": "ZZI",
              "options": {
                "ignoreCase": true,
                "trim" : true
          "operator": "in",
          "key": "",
          "values": ["Microsoft", "Apple", "Google"]
          "operator": "or",
          "filters": [
              "operator": "gte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "19910101"
              "operator": "lte",
              "key": "birthDate",
              "value": "20010101"
          "operator": "between",
          "key" : "company.employees",
          "values": [500, 5000],
          "options": {
            "negate": true
  "options": {
    "sortKey": "birthDate",
    "sortDesc": false,
    "selections" : [
}' 'http://localhost:8080/persons/projection'


  • Presentation article (version 0.0.1) on Medium.