i made this program on Fedora 35 with a gnome enviorment. you will need the following installed:
- gedit
- curl
- wget
- ruby
- colorize (ruby gem)
- csv (ruby gem)
- ruby-notify-send (ruby gem)
if you have the above list then proceed if you dont then look up how to install for your distrobution and then proceed.
- git clone
- open cryptodata.txt
- fill out form
- save
- open terminal in folder
- chmod +x ./*.rb
- ruby ./cryptowatchdash.rb
- profit!
while the program is not running
- open terminal in folder
- ./cwd-updater.rb
- if online is newer press "y" then "enter key"
- fill out form with info from old version
- save
- close gedit
- profit!